bought a new car..

sure thing man, you’d still be delivering pizzas in a beat ass honda if it werent for your lawsuit/settlement. you’re no better than anyone there bud just because you have money and nice cars does not make you better than anyone. matter of fact its probably made you worse because you put yourself on an elite pedestal now.

whats truly sad is people listen to a bunch of overweight (theres your fat joke) ghetto hicks trying to make themselves feel better about being losers by ragging on someone else who may be slightly less fortunate when it comes to a financial situation. i hit rock bottom and im working my ass off at a menial job to pay for fucking everything ive got. you may have lost your eye but you’re handed everything from it. would i want to lose an eye for that? fuck no and im sure u wouldnt either but dont come at me with some holier than thou attitude because u have $ now. i wouldnt want you to go anywhere near where i work, and id refuse to serve you if you did. but hey man you keep thinking whatever you like, im sure its gotten you real far in life. you havent ACCOMPLISHED shit.