so i sold my Cobalt SS/TC and bought a new DD.
i bought a 2004 Buick Rainier! loving it right now! i cant wait for winter time to come now lol.
try out the AWD V8! haha.
now that i have a more realible DD, im looking for a summer car again. im looking at e46 M3’s.
im not in a rush to buy anything just window shopping.
wondering what you guys think of them? also curious about the SMG compared to the 6MT.
You can buy mine for remainder of what I owe. But it’s loaded to the hills and a bit more than $13k. Anyway sorry to hijack but contests on the new car.
Cause I only paid $12995 for my truck. And i never seen a TBSS go for that little if there was one and I missed it then my fault. But all the ones i was seeing were like $18K+.