New car options, $40k to spend

With it being a buyers market right now I’ve been considering buying a new car. I can afford up to $40k. The only things I’m firm on is that it must be fun to drive (not a stiffly sprung tin can) and it must have AWD. I’m quite ignorant when it comes to offerings in this price range…especially the euro market. What are my options and why should i buy that car?

Standard response in this situation as I am sure you already know…

evo or sti

InB4evo/sti humping.

Do you care about the transmission? A G37x would be pretty sweet.

Edit: Fuck.

^^ x2, but theres always an audi, or caliber r/t, i think some 300c’s are awd, porsches are awd (some),


Might be bit more than 40K but 335 xi would be my choice.


turbo 1 series FTW

but if you HAVE to have AWD…Evo X

Legacy GT, Infinity as suggested above, Audi, AWD Fords/Lincolns, AWD BMWs.

Let me ask you this… why is awd a must?

G37x, CTS (less than 40k), there’s probably some Audi in this bracket

Two non-Nyspeed humped ideas if you are cool with autotragedies.

I would love that Lexus. Such a sweet daily

sti, evo, 335xi

The first car I thought of was the G37x.

I’m looking for more info than just a car model…why I should buy the car over the rest? its reliability? build quality? acceleration? handling? ect…

even though I am considering the evo or sti…I’m thinking I want something a bit more “mature”

I’m ok with autotragedies as long as the gearing is sporty.


If you check out the new CTS you’ll be pleasantly surprised. AWD version is auto, but its a sporty 6 speed. Every car publication that tested it loved it. Typical GM shortfalls like build quality/interior are top notch. Plus, like all new GM’s, you’ll be able to save a shitload right now.

If you really want to piss off the forum kids you could get a 300hp AWD turbo 6MT used Volvo S60R for well under $40k. Probably closer to $20k.