bov location..

why is it every other car the location of the bov is by the TB? on the mx6/probe turbo’s… the stock bypass’s our right after the turbo… [4-5 inches from the exit]
AND im currently adding on to my HKS pipes for my true fmic… and well im heading the pipe from the turbo to the inlet of the ic [pass side] and got to thinking about where i am going to mount the TURBO XS BOV [type h] bypass valve…

i personally don t mind mounting it off the turbo… but it would have to be say 3-4 inches after the turbo for me to be able to run the pipes the way i planned

a fellow dsm’er asked me why i would do that since its not realeasing all the pressure from the tb and what not… then i got to thinking about everyother car in this world’s setup is different then ours!

so the pipes will be finished tomarrow… [minus the bov mounting] cuase i wanted some feedback first!

anyfeedback would be appreciated!! :thup:

oh and this is on my turbosix… fyi

hmmm i dont think it matters where its mounted, but i might be wrong, i just have seen cars where people run dual bov setups on upper and lower IC pipes

It doesn;t matter as long as it is on the intake pipe somewhere. All your doing is releasing pressure from that pipe so why would it matter where it is located?? If you want to be technical about it, it should be about halfway up the pipe…just my .02 though…

my personal preferance is more near the TB. my theory is when you close the TB plate, the surge will bounce off of it and start heading back to the turbo. Well, if you put the BOV more near the TB, there’s less chance that the turbo will get damaged.

And if you want to get really fun, i’ve seen SP kits on supra’s i think run one near the TB and one near the turbo.

yeah i think im going to put it on the pipe from the ic to tb… seems like most cars are that way… and it will work out a tad better for the hose that has to run BACK into the ic piping… :BYPASS: …

wonder why factory installs’ it 4-5 inches from the turbo…

then again if the tb plate closes… it;ll all back up and be saved last minute… lol… before distruction

I run mine by the TB:

you can see the HKS facing down…the top line is my vac source

tb for closest path to releave pressure… a bypass keeps the intake tract full of pressurized air, so it doesn’t matter as much… oem vw keeps the diverter valve up near the turdbo… stupid design.

new name? showed up outside you was the last post then i saw this name! :mullet:

anyway… its getting mounted on the pipe 2 the tb :beer: