Boxersix's Porsche 962

this sounds rediculous… gonna be awesome


Just wondering, why did you go with the EG33 vs an EZ30, EZ30R, or whatever they call that new 3.6L tribeca motor?

This sounds like a really stout build for the power levels you’re looking at. This thing would spool a 42r like nuthin… ;D

I was in the market for either one of those motors really and just so happened that I had a buddy of mine call me up one day and ask me if I knew of anyone who wanted a good running '92 SVX with a blown transmission for anything and ended up buying it myself for $600. Parted the chassis out online(, made ~$900 back on the parts and still got to keep the motor/harness/ECU for my car. Realistically the only thing the 30/30R have over the Eg33 that I like is the timing chain cam drive VS the belt, but the EG33 is a non interference engine anyway so if the belt pops or slips I just have to slap a new one on. No motor damage as a result of it. The exhaust cams in the head are gear driven off the intake cams which have the timing pulley’s on them so I can’t even have valve to valve contact like you can in any other suby engine if the belt pops.

Durability is the name of my game. I only like going into a motor build once here, and that goes double true for my own stuff. There is one guy online with a 4088R SVX that spools quite nicely. Divided 3076R will spool like mad on this motor for certain, may do a 3082R if the 76 isn’t enough flow. Math says it’ll do the trick but math doesn’t always = real world tuning #'s as we all know. I know what a 35R will do, built a bunch of single turbo 930’s with that in the 500+WHP range. Good response on this size flat motor, just still not quite quick enough.

wow :wow

great build thread so far. will definitely be keeping myself glued to this one!!!

what kind of management can you run on that?

I was going to run a custom Hydra EMS build by Andrew in California, however it’s not working out the way I wanted it to and have decided to go forth with building a custom PCB3 Mega Squirt 2 pcm and add in a few nice features like auto base tune and my own progressive sequential meth injection program/circuit. Very cheap and very effective.

:+1 for Megasquirt. I cant wait a year or so to see this… ADD! :banana

Yessir…MS is just plain old fun open source. Great thing about it is if something doesn’t exist, just build the circuit and program away. So much you can do and you’re only limited by your capabilities. Many people out there that have taken the PCB3 surface mount boards and expanded them further.

It’d be interesting to see a “dual-core” MS in the future. Motronic did this years ago on the real late 962C b turbo’s, essentially splitting the flat six 2.8L into two 3 cylinder motors each powered under their own maps and processors. Highly complicated but highly effective and precise.

I’ll put the chassis and suspension CAD up in a bit once I have a few of the patents squared away. Few different tweaks on scrub radius/KP/bump specs I’ve got for stability over the Ultima GTR. Shooting for bigtime skidpad G’s, 1.18 is the goal. Insane for a road car and .004G’s over Ultimas record. If I hit it I’ll be happy(from blood loss to the brain around corners) but won’t cry about it if I don’t. Grip grip grip in the corners is the leading factor in this build.


All you people should consider yourself very lucky. You can now say you know the man officially known as “The Man.”

Did I miss something? Since when was I dubbed this???

i had a svx, it sucked balls. im glad to see someone making somthing worthwhile out of parts from one

4EAT slushbox FTL. Quite a few manual coverted SC’ed or turbocharged. there’s a guy out in Syracuse that has a twin 2871r SVX w/ STi drivetrain running ~2 bar boost on Autronic software. ~600wheel. on alot.



srs lols. uggg is all I can say really

Since only two members here have been at the shop and know what’s going on I guess an update is in order:

-Feb 2010, I purchased a new CNC gantry machine. This machine is the intended forefront machine to produce the appropriate composite component molds, billet parts, wheel centers, and other misc non ferrous parts. Huge up front expense, but long run returns. Looking to buy a new CNC mandrel bender in a few months as well. Sold my RMD years ago when I though I was getting out of the fab business. Wish I had not done so now.

-August 2010, Started building a new shop to house the equipment. Finished pouring the concrete slab for the building ~2 weeks ago. Approach apron went in yesterday actually and is still in the form due to the temps outside. I’m going to be consolidating the CNC equipment into this building next year to reduce rent/overhead costs, and for the time being will be the area I build the initial prototypes. Recent mill issues have put a minor dent in this but I’ll work around it as usual.

-Car has been redesigned over and over, and over. I’ve made so many changes to the damn thing since my last post here that it’s not even a 962 anymore. Sitting now as bout 45 gigs of CAD files. While I initially wanted to release a road replica of the car, I really wanted to build something completely unique even more so. Currently there are two companies that produce these cars already, for a premium none the less. The biggest problem is knowing/deciding where to limit what you(the manufacture) make as supplied parts/components and what to outsource as part of the “kit list” of things to buy. It’s difficult just knowing what to offer and what to included. The more you include the more specific I can make the car but then the overall kit cost goes up, whereas if I did something along the lines of F-5 and build it off a donor car(like a C5 or mustang) the initial kit cost is low but then the overall project is lackluster. This is an area where I really wish I had someone more enveloped in marketing. There are actually two different chassis, and as of now, three different body variants to suit the buyers taste so to say.

-New business paperwork was filed last week for the kit car company. definitely something I should have taken care of a long time ago, but you’d be amazed what slips your mind when working ~100hr a week

-Dealing with NHTSA and DOT/DMV’s, MSO’s and all that wonderful paperwork. Won’t bore you here with what this entails, it downright sucks.

And amongst all this work I’m still running the proto/fab shop to keep bills paid/money coming in to feed this drug, AND work on friends/customers cars. I’d say if it wasn’t for my wifes business that’s keeping the family going and bills paid, this just wouldn’t be possible. I’m closing in on six figures now invested and that number isn’t getting smaller anytime soon. <–main reason why I don’t want to finance the repairs for the busted mill and am selling my subaru to assist paying for that.

I knew it was going to be difficult but I 100% admit that I underestimated this challenge, mostly just in factoring time. It’s been nearly SIX damn years since I concocted this idea and went head making the adjustment to the business to make it happen. It’s getting closer each day, but there are moments where I want to burn shit to the ground and just walk away from it all.

Looking forward to when I’m forced to hire people to take on production tasks.

I don’t see my friends, hardly see my wife and daughter throughout the week, and the money I’ve invested would have been a hell of a down payment on a new house to say the least. I’m just hoping in the end it all pays off.

I do appreciate the bump and looking into this :slight_smile: Keeps me motivated if nothing else.

thanks for the update. good luck with that laundry list of GOTTA DO’s

Jesus man I had no idea this was going on. Awesome!!! Good luck, but I know you won’t need it. If there’s anything I can do to help just lemme know.

Damn adam sounds like you’ve been through one hell of a trip to try and get all this done and growing your buisness. It’s nice that you have a wife that understands thou, and understands the great potential to come out of it and making it worth the hard times as I’m sure their are, given most of us go through that with our significant others with this just being a weekend hobby.

Also not that it’s anyones buisness anyways but I did not realize you had a little girl. Always sounded like it was just you and the wife.

Anyways good luck man, you are one motivated son of a bitch I’m sure you will be just fine.

As always man, you got a great group of guys on here and most of us respect the hell out of you and would help you in any way we could. All you gotta do is ask :thumbup

I have no life because of this, so yeah nobody knows. Except for Chris, JVG, and Jim and even they don’t know everything. Those are the only friends I see and it’s rare when I do. I figured when shit eventually rolls out the doors, word would spread and it’d eventually find it’s way back here anyway. Always does :ahh

I mean it’s what, 12:15 AM here and I’m still working(doing more CAD shit). I’ve got a few forums up on limbo to browse while I wait in between some full assembly renders, which take my pos slow puter minutes to compile.

What’s most difficult in this whole thing is when I have to shift gears between working at my shop to make enough money for a few months, then shut down and work solely on this, then go back at it again. I don’t have a hug bankroll to just focus on this 100% all the time. If I did I think I’d be selling these things now. Market investors are difficult to lock down in an economy like this, but part of me wants to do it on my own so in the end I don’t own shit to anyone except my wife and daughter, and nobody can tell me how to dictate my own shit. Pros and cons to investors.

Help? Yeah, compile your resume. Hoping to hire some workers for PT in a few months :lol