Boxersix's Porsche 962

My daughter, Ava, is going on 4yrs old. Smart, cute, and loves ripping through the shop with daddy. If I think my life’s nuts now, I’m going to have a fucking field day shooting the bastards that fuck with her when she hits that age mark.

I’ll be right there with you man, my daughters turning 2 in febuary, I figure I got another 12-14 years of polishing the shotgun before I need to use it.

:lol u guys are funny, the girls will be just fine

nice info on the update

if the world was only full of more gentlemen such as yourself singh

Gentlemen? Singh?

First thing he said when he came to the hospital to see my daughter after she was born

… another 18 years

Hah just playing… being the father of a girl is going to scare the shit out of me when shes older given how fked up the younger ones are now. Only hope is that she’ll listen to her parents

Anyways enough of the thread jacking… can’t wait to here more about this beast

haha fuck off at least i was there u bitchass !

i am a gentleman btw

Lemme know if you need help with that too, i just got this sweet AR mounted golf ball launcher for those time you’d like to break a limb but not kill. :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup :rofl