boy does my head hurt

learning all this new stuff is giving me overload!!! ahhh

yeah lemme guess, fluorescent lights too huh?

It felt pretty good to me… :naughty:


oh wait, this isnt a Whitey got drunk thread… :hsugh:

learning new shit makes work go faster

x10. sucks when you do the same shit over and over again… I couldnt imagine workin on an assembly line or something like that.

yeah it definitely made things go buy fast… i am getting used to the work, so its getting better.

sonny do you know anything about reporting with Legato? thats my first project i am going to work on is, is making it easier to run reports.

don’t use legato! i’m wondering if it uses the same crystal reports engine as veritas? silvrhand might be the man to ask.

there is commands i can run to run basic reports but they suck, there has to be a better way… everything is so damn difficult with legato… nothing made easy and no documentation sucks ass… but it works great!

where as veritas is fully user friendly, tons or reports and custom reports… but runs like dick and works 60% of the time… :hs:

there should seriously be a folder called

‘computer geek shit over your dumbass head so don’t read teh thread bc it’s for whitey, sonny, jeff and like 5 other dudes and the rest of you are clueless’

:dunno: :embarassd

  • one chick depending on what the topic is. :smiley:
  • one chick, depending on what the topic is. :smiley:

haha… i guess its true