Boy oh Boy, i just had the best weekend ever. v.beatingdowncanadiangirlscouts

Alright. My friend Andy had a graduation party in Canada, at his Crystal Beach cottage.

So, my buddies and I had been funneling 40oz’s of Steel Reserve, when we ran out of Cheese Puffs. I hoped in the turbo hatch to make a run to No Frills, to pickup the goods.

I get a couple bags of Cheese Puffs and a couple of Tiki Torches to put around the beach that evening. So, I walk out with the stuff in my arms and out of nowhere, this girl comes up, she had to be at least 65 lbs, and asks me “Do you want some girl scout cookies?”

I’m like, “Did you just call me a girl?” She says, “No, I just want to know if you wanted to buy any cookies?” Then, her little friend comes up and says, “Yeah, we have Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties.” So I grab her and say, “Nobody calls me Patty” and push her to the ground. I dropped my bags except for one Tiki torch and began to club the first girl like a baby seal. One of the cart boyz sees this and is all like “Ohnoes!” ( :ohnoes: ) and runs in to join. He tries to roll over me with a cart but I went “Bwooce Wee” style on him and popped him with a McGilly Cuttie that laid him out cold. Then the girl I pushed to the ground is all cryin and stuff so I picked up the Tiki torch and threw it like a harpoon thru her shoulder.

Then, I noticed they had a table with what looked like some sort of snacks, so I loaded those up in my bag, urinated on them both, and took off.

I think they learned a valuable lesson today.

I took this picture with my 8MP camera, so I hope it works for the 56k guys.

Then, I went home and punched myself just to prove I don’t take shit from ANYONE!

Tom Kleeman was there to witness it all.

haha, what?

AHHAHAHAHA ur such an idiot

hhahahahhaha wtf??

that was very entertaining

your frucked

Whatever the fuck that was it just made me lol

tickle-men was there?

well shit man :tup:


Didn’t we have a rule about drunken posting? :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, you’re crazyyyy mannn.


i am farrrr from drunk still.

im at the point, where i almost puked, cleaning up beer cans this morning.

and if i was still drunk, i’d still have 6 outta my 10 fingers in that 15 year old i had in my passenger seat.

it was pretty awesome, until i decided to smell them…needless to say, my two pinky (ass) fingers, smelled better than the vag fingers…i came to the conclusion…she hasn’t douched in atleast 6 months.

wow hardcore

doing chicks in the ass > *

i am soooo over vaginal sex.

Yeah, I must say, it was quite an experience.

This scout came at me with her pimp cane, and I was ready to fuck cause my suit was so tight. She tried to zap me, but little did she know who I was…

So I pimp smacked her and ate her suit.

There is a new sig for someone.:gotme: :biglaugh:

i prefer “technical” virgins.

they only take it in the ass, so their hymen doesn’t rip, and they can still look their parents in the eyes and tell them “i’m a virgin”.

i may not have taken a lot of viriginities, but i do hang out with a lot of “technicals”

Ahh, “technical”. The second greatest world in the English language, next to “default”.


umm wow.
