Bringing the Camaro back to life...


The nitrous system needs a fuel upgrade-albiet from the car’s fuel source, or it’s own system…

If I would of chosen to upgrade the cars fuel system, it would be more work, and the nitrous would use whatevers in the cars tank, which was typically AVGAS. With this system, we can run the car on 93 octane (which is all it needs), and the nitrous system will use meth. Same idea as using meth in a boosted application. We can spray the full 200 shot without retarding the timing at all (maybe 2 degrees to be safe). It’ll make more power, and make it much safer this way. I’d have no issue spraying 250 to this motor, but it’d need a new plate and nitrous solenoid to support that. We’ll see what it runs on the 200 first.