Bringing the Camaro back to life...

hell yeah man, glad to see it put down a good run and get that 10 second slip

best of luck with everything, especially with your dad… i know that has to be the hardest thing in the world to deal with…

Glad you got your 10 second pass man.

P.S. did you ever replace your PVC line?

Yesssssssss hell motherfucking yes Congrats dude .

congrats dude.

Congrats man… I’m pumped for you

Good job Travis!

great job cant even come close to imagine what it must have felt like when you seen those numbers and looked to the right and see your dad smileing back in that pic i wish you and your dad the best


There is a very emotional in-car video that I’ll post when I’m ready. Don’t hold your breath anyone.

Congrats Travis! My thoughts and prayer are with you man!

Trav don’t post your vid !!! That’s yours to have and hold as your own . If u do ill delete it lol

I’m considering having Jim (or anyone that can do it) make me a real nice video/pic slideshow with a bunch of recent pics/vids, finishing up with yesterdays 10 second pass of course. I hear you, but it’s my decision if I want to share it or not. Like I said though, I would want it to be the right place and time. Might just show it to close friends, etc.

I’m taking it off the trailer next week, putting the radials on it, putting it in the garage and just going to tinker with it and what not. Not racing it anytime soon, it’s just too emotional. We set a goal, made it, and that’s great for now. I’ll make some plans though, which include matching aluminum rear wheels, torque converter, new battery, etc.

Congrats to both of you. Awesome stuff.

Yes, I replaced it the day before. And thank YOU again, if it was not for the ‘test session’ that you helped with, well, this last event would of been the test session and it’d be back to the drawing board.

Rock on Trav

Without going into too much detail, my father is not in good shape. He does have a chance to get better, though.

Please have us in your thoughts and prayers.

will do man i hope for the best for your dad