broke the head off the bolt holding the caliper on

as the title says, i was tying to remove my driverside z32 caliper so i could install the braided lines and the goddam head of the bolt snapped off. i also broke 2 rachets and an a adaptor in the process.

now i thinking i have to pull the spindle off the front suspension the drill out and remove the dam bolt. the only problem is living on campus (drunks and vandles are everywhere) can’t really do that kind of job in a parking lot.

so what are my options: (these are my ideas) there any way to isolate the drivers side caliper and bady it home with 3 calipers, risky by i’ll be home and can fix it in comfort.

  1. is there any other way to get that calper off to put that line in. they came with a banjo fitting to the calper and a regular fitting to the hardline.

  2. might attempt to install the line with the caliper still on the car. so how risky would it be to drive home with a broken head on the caliper bolt.

btw only have limited hand tools probably the reason i broke the bolt in the 1st place, i used the jack handle for extra torque

I’d install the line with the caliper still on the car

Center punch, drill, oil, tap and die… not super fun but doable. You don’t have to remove the knuckle for this. OR, if you have CAA… you see where im going with that. As for trying to block off the one line, it will fuck up your master cylinder. I know this from experience. Also, why removing caliper to install lines?

The biggest issue I see is #2

Do the new stainless lines have the banjo fitting? If so, they are the wrong lines.

Do not use banjo fittings on the Z32 caliper.

how the hell did that bolt break in the first place…turn the bolt the wrong way with all that extra torque from jack handlebar?

also…if i remember correctly…the bolt is threaded into the caliper…not into the spindle…if you remove the other bolt…i tihnk u can pull off the caliper with the rotor and the bolt will just slide thru the spindle since the head of the bolt came off?

oh and when removing lines…do it while caliper is fixed/bolted onto the spindle

^^^what he said also: banjo fittings are not to be used on z32 calipers

super helpful as far as the lines go the guy was saying it was the only solution other than fitting a new hardine on the caliper and the existing hardline is in the greatest shape. the banjo fitting is just there for the bend. the only problem i see is that those banjo fitting might be able to work themselves loose, or is there a greater problem than that please explain because there under warantee and i could just return them if the problem is complicated.

and yah the extra troque from the handle is what did it. i guess readah at riworks torqued the fuck outta than bolt. that cocksucker

these are the lines i picked up

Those lines posted are not conversion lines in any way, shape, or form.

These are the proper conversion lines:

They must have the threaded flare end that screws into the caliper. It is very incorrect to use a banjo fitting on a caliper not designed for it.

What hard line on the caliper do you speak of? There isn’t a hard line to the caliper. Only flex.

You say the hard “is in” the greatest shape. Did you mean “isn’t” in the greatest shape?

oh, the hardline…i believe ther is like 2-3inches of stock oem hardline between caliper and that conversion line he got/stock rubber line. (that hardline has the threaded flare end but im not sure if it mates to a banjo fitting) i remember seeing it on an r32.

yea, you shouldn’t be using that line you got from ebay if its banjo fittings on one end.
btw, is this the hardline your talking about?

return the lines, get proper ones from sg-motorsport
i dont know what u mean banjo fitting is there for the bend?

that is exactly what i was refering to, the hard lind bend that goes into the caliper itself

yah i was actually going to buy them from sg but wheni called them which is long distance they had the odasity to say i was waisting THEIR time, by asking questions, GREAT customer service!

when i called this guy 1-866-939-3953 he was super informative and asked me allot questions, to make sure nothign get screwed up. plus they have a life time warantee and i could return them if anything goes wrong. sg just insulted me.

Uh oh. SG response?

if not SG…then varun can help you, im pretty sure hes got some in stock (but he won’t be back in canada in a week or so)
or you can buy some off
theyre in canada so shipping is with canada post, no need to be payin brokerage fees from UPS deliveries

yah i was in contact with them and it was gonna 130 from pdm, btw real good guys to deal with but were just a bit over my price range. my card only goes to 100$.

varun was very vague, he didn’t know much about his own product except :it was made by buddy and there very good he’s woking a race bwm or something"
soory but i like everything i can before i purchase something so i don’t get scrwed over.

if i knew bout the banjo fitting being wrong then, i would not have bout emme they will fit, i’ll guess i’ll find out this weekend when i try round 2 with the car.
but the guy assumed

Your an idiot Braganza.

Those lines you bought are for stock calipers. They’re prolly gonna leak. When they do, don’t just try and over-tighten the banjo bolt cause you’ll strip your aluminum calipers.

fuck dan was tellin me to get em from those guys, u should told me before how the fuck was i supposto know that.

^^ you should have just bought Varuns conversion lines, now you gone and striped it… Thats why I like the steel ones!!

You should have got the lines off Varun. I don’t see what he was being vague about. You need teflon coated stainless steel lines, i don’t see why it matters who manufactured them.

i didn’t strip the brake line threads i just broke the head off the bolt holding on the caliper.

btw i installed the lines with the banjo fitting and wents it perfectly.

Bing has coversion lines, I got both of my front and rear ones from him. He might have fronts in stock actually