Broken LCD Monitor questions

So, my pops had a decent 22" gateway HD monitor for his PC.
It turns on and looks normal for a few seconds, then shuts off.

You can see the faint picture, but both back lights are off.

Upon disassembly, I can see the lights do not fully light. It only lights up about 3 inches, then it looks like its about to light the rest of the tube but it shuts off.

Any way to verify that the bulbs are OK, and that its the inverter screwing things up, or vice versa?

If its cheap enough to replace the bulbs or possible troubleshoot the inverter board it’s worth it to me as its cheaper than buying a new one.

is it LCD or just a regular tube moniror? prices are so cheap now he should prob just get a new one. same with Tv’s now a day just cheaper to buy new… unless u can find the part for cheap. who knows what the real problem really is

sell it on ebay for parts and buy a new one, not worth it

Its an LCD Monitor, and If I can fix it for $50, I would still be ahead.

I realize you can get cheap monitors, but this one was half decent.

I took it all apart and it’s got a samsung screen, and what looks to be a very, very similar inverter to a comparable Acer monitor.

If I can test the parts individually, I can probably get replacements.

If you didn’t already know, I’m stubbornly cheap.

newegg has a 22" hans-G on sale for 139 right now

How much does a replacement inverter board cost? If the tubes start to light up, I’m going to say that the inverter board is shot.

Not that it matters to anyone, but a $0.75 capacitor was blown.
Fixed for $3 as I can’t get “sample” electronic components anymore :frowning: