Bubbye CompUSA

CompUSA always sucked balls and once people learned about Newegg and TigerDirect they really sucked balls. Although, I do need a new fan for my desktop and I thought, I’ll just run out to Comp…oh nevermind.

about fucking time. next up, Circuit Shitty

They just cant compete with Newegg and other online retailers.

Not very surprising,they had AWFUL prices.Too much overhead.

EDIT…Agreed on circuit shitty.We need a Fry’s.

I like CC. I know they are not doing well right now but back when they were growing they were one of only about 25 companies ever to post double digit growth numbers for 15 years straight.

CompUSA was nice if I didnt feel like waiting for something from NewEgg to arrive.

I prefer Circuit City over Best Buy

I think it’s funny they laid me off and I still get sale emails.

+1 for they were nice for grabbing a cooling fan and otherwise were stupid expensive.

This has been happening for a while. Tey have been closing stores nationally for many months. Not really surprising.

didnt dos work there for a long time?

:tup: to leaving the market

the thing I really like about both compUSA and Circuit City was they carried stuff that bestbuy and most local electronic places didn’t (or atleast, had a more diverse selection). It was great for going to grab, like was mentioned, a case or a fan or heatsink, ect.

none of the above obviously can touch newegg… but the convenience was nice for getting something on the fly. I’d still rather shop at either one than best buy

wow how can u diss CC they have the best deals around…

BB is a rip-off

So now what do I do with my gift card…closest to buffalo is rochester.

ALSO-i still oew on my store card…think they wil forget about it?

The one on NFB closed a while ago. I needed a USB to serial converter. I went all over town looking for a good one, not that garbage Best Buy sells. I had to order it online when I know CompUSA would have had it. Oh well…

About fucking time, they were always nothing but shit. Except for small common items, as mentioned above.

booo…less work for me then.

i really hated that place. advertise a deal on something then not have ANY in stock…ever.

About damn time.
I opened the store on NFB. Hated it when I was working there.

Never good deals. The only reason I bought from them when I was there is because I got a discount.

Get a Frys or Staples in Buffalo! Those stores would do much better.

Your gift card goes “poof”. http://www.compusa.com/ and use it quick.

Your store card on the other hand, that will not go away. The majority of the time those are subbed out to various banks, and those banks aren’t going anywhere.


well i have no interest as long as i make the payments till 2010…think that will go byebye too?