Buffalo is number 1!

Buffalo is the number 1 most dangerous city in NY. Suck it Rochester and NYC.


If the east side disappeared I bet that we fall of that list really quickly.

…but a great place to visit according to Travel & Leisure.

“0 of 5 stars. I got shot.”

Since it is now 2016, I will start referring to myself as a survivor. I was not raped or Murder Death Killed in 2013.

I lived in the city for roughly 7 years and only had a car stolen once, not too bad!

I cant believe its safer to live in Long Beach, CA than it is to live in Buffalo


I’m just dreading the day/year the city makes it to my suburb.

just checking in, still alive.

Man you’re such a dick posting negative things about the city of buffalo

Man, I can’t believe I ever made it this far without a jacked car or shanking. Blessed.

Double whammy,Nigeria Falls is #4 .

It is so bad in Buffalo that women are now taking their children on the bus to East Aurora to beg for money. True story. WTF? Obeasy money must not be enough for them.

They may need to put gas in their Tahoe’s or Escalades?

Are you fucking kidding? That gas station near where we live (you know the one I’m talking about) gets some shady folk after dark, like people that have no reason being in South Wales, ever. Word is, RT16 is their trade route to other towns in the southerntier where they peddle drugs.

She and her kids got off the bus walked up to about Hunt Real Estate and started begging for change. They better nip this in the bud. They were probably sent in by black lives matters with hidden cameras. lol