Buffalo #1 in something else

Buffalo named most dangerous place in New York State



Go home Yelp, you’re drunk


while 10 miles away, Amherst, NY was named the top safest cities a few years back.

It’s those damn kids.


Finally number one!


All that stuff only happens on the other side of the city

Thank god for this, I will be sure sure to now triple lock everything up tonight…


Anyone with half a brain around here knows that 90% of all this shit occurs in the east side…I can’t stand articles like this, as they paint a great city that is going through a hugely positive renaissance movement if you will, in such a negative light…

I am 30 years old, grew up in Riverside/Black Rock, own properties all over the city, have nice cars, etc. - I have never felt unsafe - nor have I been robbed, broken into, etc.

Fuck these articles.

Fuck getting mad at these articles :slight_smile:

It’s really the only reason I post them just to piss off @91MR2

I cant believe someone still takes the @LZ1 bait! Don’t doit! ha

It isn’t a question of taking bait - the sad truth is people buy into this shit. Even on here. These articles, and the posting of them here does no good for anyone. But I guess the purpose of some people here is to play that role.

People from the burbs do as for many its serving their ideas/agenda. Meanwhile our property vales are skyrocketing, there is more development then I ever expected in my lifetime, and we know certain areas of the city are killing it!

I know - and the last thing we need is people kicking it around anymore…but yet they still insist on doing so from the comfort of the their suburban homes…

Yeah the more people thinking the city is a terrible investment, the less competition there is for those of us who know better :tup:

Investing in the city purely to make profit instead of hoping it does well for the sake of the community and economy I like it :tup:

I’m glad everyone is making money off the housing market currently regardless of what section of the city has crime issues its a strong indicator of economic issues that need to be fixed but im glad your home in north buffalo is really nice.

The word “Investment” can have more than just financial implications :wink:

Yea? The fix for the city is what build the medical campus and drive all the current residents around it out to move in people with more money and boom the city is “fixed”