Buffalo #1 in something else

Many lolz be had


I just think it is critical now more than ever with all these great things going on to keep that momentum/spirit…putting an article on the forum like this just to hope to stir some shit is childish and lame…

Yep very childish and lame god damn it I hate when people post facts and hard numbers.

You know what your intentions are when you post these things - and honeslty, I still don’t get why anyone would dog a place the way you do, and still stay. There are plenty of other places that would prob. be a better fit for you.

It seems like every week we get a new project going on, even if it’s a small restaurant deciding to open up. 20 years ago, this wasn’t the case. Investment property wise and community wise go hand in hand. People are starting to move more towards the city, driving housing values in surrounding areas up. People aren’t going to overpay on houses because it’s cool. The development downtown is pretty hard to shrug off. It results in things like Hockey tournaments, the NHL draft, medical professionals, etc all coming into Buffalo.

I really don’t mind these articles. As much as I love the city and am happy to see all that is going on I still want officals very focused on how we handle high crime areas and I especially want focus on improving the educational system in the city. There has been lots of press but not enough results. Its reality and thats ok.

Because I don’t live in the city?

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As much as I have little interest in living the city ultimately the schools and the crime rate will be the things that turn the city around…

Not someone standing up a sports bar next to the arena.

It’s the same way I laugh about getting companies to come here that have turned 0 profit or ones that are cutting their workforce in half(IBM) and laying people off in other parts of the state.

Every city has its issues with crime in certain areas. Our city is quite large and as 91mr2 said if you are living in the certain areas it really isn’t an issue for us. But I would still like to see the lives improved for people who live in these areas of the city as well. Also I don’t believe in absolutes or things being mutually exclusive so I will take the sports bar and still call it a win.

Worst school system in the state CHECK

Highest crime rate in the state CHECK

High rate of unemployment CHECK

How is HSBC tower doing?

We really turned the city around with that pretty water front though and damn those home values in north buffalo are sky rocketing. SOLVED!

Right, you don’t live in it, just next to it…come on now…

And im just as close to Canada carry on :lol:

It’s just an article based on crimes per person. It puts no weight on specific areas of the city. So if you’re just a headline reader, the entire city is a bastion of filth and murder. But clearly that isn’t the case.

I’d like to see a specific breakdown of crime for each area. I know there is a site out there that does this, I remember looking at it when I bought my house. I can’t remember what it was though.

That is a good way to put it - throwing on blinders in the face of real issues is critical if we want these things fixed - which we all do I’d hope. So I agree with you in that regard - what I don’t like is people then using these articles as a, “See, it sucks here…” We can do without those people. They are not here to help, only hurt.


So many sex offenders…

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Ok, this is not exactly accurate, lol. There are apparently 8 sex offenders living at RCR Yachts down by the outer harbor! Their address is on the east side but the map puts them at the marina.


Doesn’t break down crime by zip code or specific areas of the city. It does have “likely homosexual households” though…

The sports bar (assuming you’re referring to 716) is more influential than just another place to drink beer. A lot of reason tournaments and events were turned down here was the lack of places to go after or lack of decent hotels. Not that one sports bar is going to fix everything, but like the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I have been to vast majority of major cities in the US over the past few years and on a regular basis talk city revival with the locals…

Work, live, and eat are what brings life back to a city.

Not a pretty water front
Not a hockey rank
Not a sports bar

I don’t hate the city I hate the false hope that poorly planned and executed projects give everyone…Everyone here talks city life but what they’re actually referring to is a small section of NORTH buffalo or a small section of elmwood which are both not in downtown.

I’m in downtown :gotme: