lol <3
says the guy from Niagara Falls…
Hey, I’m on Wheatfields borderline lol not “down town” or else everywhere in “Buffalo” would be bad as well.
Rochester is #2
buffalo ghetto > rochester ghetto.
I completely agree the above, but revenue plays a big part in revitalizing the city. I would love for Buffalo as a whole to be a destination, rather than a place to grab wings as you’re passing through. Imagine what it was like living here at the turn of the century. Probably like living in present day NYC or LA. You’re right, that no ONE thing is going to make Buffalo the greatest city in the world. But the fact that we’re at least building stuff downtown, building a better medical presence is a HUGE step from what we were used to earlier in our lifetime.
it made me laugh that they list Compton, CA as being MORE safe than Buffalo
So does this mean being from Buffalo finally gives me street credit??
If you think small sections of north buffalo and elmwood are the only places seeing investment and an influx of people with money then you really don’t get into the city much. Downtown, allentown, the west side, black rock, north buffalo west of colvin, the entire length of main st, hamlin park, the fruit belt, upper west side etc. are all worlds away from where they were.
Please impart more of your infinite wisdom on the topic of how barely anything is changing downtown.
I don’t mind your or anyone else’s complete ignorance on the topic but don’t try to pretend like you’re the authority on Buffalo’s resurgence or lack thereof when you obviously rarely visit the city and definitely have no clue what’s going on.
Looks like they left out our building on Niagara St as well as our playing fields visible from the 190.
I’ll probably be in the new Arts and Sciences building in the early spring to start setting up some networking stuff.
Ah I forgot we count moving businesses around in the city as “growth”
So we have the medical campus, 100+ apartments, two breweries, and a couple restaurants.
I figure someone would at least point out the start ups in the tech incubator downtown.
:tup: I like you.
As for the naysayers, I get it. It’s easy to hate on Buffalo because compared to other cities we certainly make slower progress for revival. But for god’s sake, there are good things happening. We’re at least going in the right direction.
Like I mentioned before I have nothing wrong with actual growth in the city everyone loses their shit over a hockey rank and a bar because things are now better.
Who’s losing their shit? People are excited about progress. Why is that a bad thing? I don’t see anyone that isn’t realistic about how much more work needs to be done.
I expect anything Buffalo related to be posted by LZ and only LZ. :lol:
This is probably because college graduates can’t find jobs in general more so than they’re moving here for other reasons, lol:
According to census data analyzed by the New York Times, from 2000 to 2012 the number of college graduates between the ages of 25 and 34 in Buffalo jumped 34%—more than Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago.
Recently, I’ve spent money to go to 716, Harborcenter, Canalside, LaugerHaus, Dougs Dive, Dino BBQ, etc…If I’m doing it, I know others are doing it too, I can see it…
This summer I plan to utilize the harbor for even more activities…kayaking the river/waterfront, head to more concerts there, head to Larkin square on Tuesdays…
Obviously they are doing something right down there.
Nice to see a shit thread turn positive.
Unless we get a VERY large influx of tourism (likely Canadian)…how will new revenue enter our economy? New businesses down there get preferential tax treatment and/or received subsidy money, deficits are likely to be lurking. Yay for offering low wage jobs that provide those with the means fun times. Productive/exportable services/goods are wayyyy overrated.