crime rates for 46 cities and towns across New York

Did your hometown make the list? I was surprised at some. About 13 from WNY.

Niagara Falls number one on the list… No surprise there

Tack on one of the 5 boroughs and see how the relative numbers skew.

I feel like combining property crime and violent crime makes this list a complete waste.

I don’t want people stealing my shit or stabbing me. :slight_smile:

7 in erie county alone.

I fucking hate this trend of putting information on shit you have to scroll through, ESPECIALLY when I’m on my phone. How many extra fucking MB am I waiting to download 47 images vs 47 lines of text. I get that by getting people to click more you get more ad revenue on missed clicks and shit, but fuck, I hate this.

^ It’s going to be ok.

I entirely agree

:word: Clickbait sites are so annoying. Then they report to their advertisers that the average viewer viewed 50 pages on their site when really they were looking at one article.

Wow Amherst is up there… thought they were supposed to be one of the safest in the US

Safest violent crime-wise. Property crime is higher. Thanks LA and South Campus

Did N Korea make this list?

they initially did, but threatened retaliation and a libel suit