Buffalo is retarded - V: new years ball drop

the have decided that this year they will not be dropping the BALL … they will be dropping …

wait for it …

wait for it …

the new ford edge:


they will suspend it the 200 feet above the crowd and slowly lowe it for the count down


where in true ford fashion, the fuel pump switch / brake switch / some random fucking connection will overheat and it will burst into flames


lol :hang:=ford

This should be entertaining, I see no good coming from this.

thats fucking GAY

darn. they should just drop it 200 ft in mid air, now that would be entertaining.

Well, it looks vaguely spherical… :gotme:

I just got hired as a temp at Ford… If the new Edge doesn’t make it, then Ford is done for…

they are pulling out all the stops.

still, kinda lame-o

And I’m not a Ford guy at all, actually one of the most dedicated euro car guys out there, but if I can make a difference and help improve an ailing car manufacturer, so be it.

Buffalo drops the ball on everything else it does, but not on New Years, fucking stupid.

now thats funny

lol… so true

the one time they are ALLOWED to drop the ball, they replace it with a car :rofl:

thats too bad, they had a good run though. they should just stop making cars and stick to the gt and trucks.

that thing looks horrible.

HATE the grille and the taillights on that thing.

I don’t know what Ford is thinking with that “chrome” on the front of all their new cars. I guess they don’t realize that it looks tacky and looks like shit.

Keeping in mind that ford has financed their losses over the next 2 years against their factories and knowledge, that thing really makes me think that Ford is committing suicide. I think they want to die and be reborn so that the can implement a profitible business plan without unions. Why else would they bet the farm on a run of the mill SUV?

But yeah, ball drop > Ford drop. But I"ll be drunk at a wedding in Rochester so what do I care? Open bar dudes!

this is why i’m going to tornto for new years i hate this, prolly the worst idea ever

this ball drop is at “first night, buffalo’s alcohol-free new year’s celebration”

anyone actually going loses the required coolness points to talk.

Best quote ever.

Dropping a car is a stupid idea. But the fact that its a Ford shouldn’t make it “bad.” Why don’t they drop an Audi Ultrasport and that shit can burst into flames like Pat’s did. How about a Vette so it can flip like whoa, as they have at the track? No, even better, why not a DSM- they could just attach it to a winch cable from a flatbed so they wouldn’t even have to call a truck after its broke.

Cavaliers = :hang:


They definetly should be dropping the ball still, but if they have to drop a car, a ford is a good choice as long as they actually drop it and not just lower it. If they drop it that would be good, at least entertaining