^ Yeah, all the other cities in the nation hope they too can have such a high percentage of their population living in poverty.
education is overrated. period. having knowledge is different.
Do you vote at every opportunity you have?
umm, numbers generally don’t lie.
do your homework.
“There it is folks, your typical Obama attitude of elitism. Nevermind that Beck has two books on the New York Times best sellers list or that he actually worked his way up to the national stage starting out by winning a “be a DJ for an hour” local radio contest. Nope, not college educated, must be one of those ignorant rednecks who clings to his guns and religion.”
Last week I heard Obamas wife say, “My parents were good people, they didn’t go to college but they had common sense.”
I almost dropped my gun(I was cleaning it) on my bible.
When I talk about my parents I put them on the highest pedestal.
They are even elitists over their own parents!
The more the Obamas talk the more we learn about them.
Keep talkin be-atch.
^ But you were clinging to your gun which is why you didn’t drop it right?
Excuse me for thinking that a person should have some formal education in your field or maybe even a large amount of experience when haveing a large audience. I have a masters in history and I cringe everytime he brings up somthing historical to prove his points.
He has no buisness making political or historical references when he doesn’t have the back ground in either study.
Yes he worked his way up from winning a one hour DJ contest to the national stage but I can say the same thing about Howard Stern who in my opinoin is just as qualified as Glen Beck.
Its not elitism, he just makes so many factual errors or he leaves stuff out.
Oh and writing a book doesn’t prove much to me, even Hitler wrote a book.
That really doesn’t mean shit. Unfit for Command and Obamanation have both been NYT best sellers list and neither are factual or accurate
i like you
and op- did you realize half of the cities mentioned are rust belt cities where the economy has been declining ever since the steel mills went under? but lets blame it on the political party voted into office, not the fact that a ton of jobs left town :bloated:
Exactly, he leaves so much out its rediculous. I would love to see Glen Beck in a debate with a member of JayS’s so called elite (aka educated).
I honestly do not understand how anyone could support Barrack Obama except that he is all about change and hope and who can’t love those two words? The country is falling apart so if we just change things and hope that it works, how can he go wrong? It was so damn simple the whole time. We don’t need someone in office who wants to fulfill the executive office. We just need a guy who will change everything and we can all hope it works. It doesn’t matter what is changed or how, just that it is changed and we hope for it.
Holy crap. Listening to that guy is like listening to Dr. Phill. Just makes you pissed off because he acts like he has all the answers but doesnt know shit.
First off this post should be in a different thread.
Secondly, Obama is the President of change and that is what we need. He does have plans for what he wants to do despite what you and most of the conservative side wants to think.
Don’t be so upset because my candidate actually inspires people and yours looks like he has one foot already in the grave and sounds more and more like a current president.
:blah:raising taxes on the “wealthy” which apparently in Obamas eyes is $42k a year and above. I dont know what world you or he lives in, but this day in age, 42k is not very much considering cost of living.
It’s funny how all of the “we must have change” Obama people see no problem with having Democrat mayors in failing cities for 50+ years.
^ How do you put out a fire?
A Democrat will tell you to pour a million gallons of gas on it.
It will destroy everything around it but eventually the fire will go out. Right?
Truth… I love how they think more government programs will help people. Don’t give them the god damn fish give them a fishing pole!
humm…want a change? Get off your ass and make something of yourself!
I’m 22 and I wouldn’t even work for 42K a year, yet alone try to raise a family on that much money alone. I wouldn’t have children at a wage of that stature because I would feel like shit knowing I couldn’t give my children everything. UGH
Wow, first off you don’t need any form of education to be raised with common sense and to have knowledge.
Second, last time I checked Hitler did many great things, maybe not good, be he did great things. How about you try to become the leader of a country, turn it into an industrial power, and start a war with whom ever you feel like it.
What I want to know is why does this idiot think it has to do with party lines? Is he blind? These cities he’s talking about were huge manufacturing cities but due to all of our work being farmed out to southeast asia, we don’t have anything to do anymore. What’s a republican going to do better than a democrat? Turn us into white-collar salesmen and put more hard-working blue-collar laborers out of work? Stupid people.