Buffalo Off-Leash Area for Dogs

I’ve never uploaded anything to YouTube, but it seems to have worked fine.

Dog owners, you owe it to yourselves and your dogs to get to Lasalle Park and use this area.

I would love to bring my dog here, but I’d be scared of conflict between dogs.

You’d be surprised at what happens when dogs aren’t on their leashes. They lose their need to defend their territory or something. Honestly, I’m not certain what it is, but they don’t act like you might expect. They roam, they sniff one another, and they figure out the pecking order on their own - typically without aggression.

I’m soo gonna take my Dobermin there. I just hope she doesn’t go nuts and bite someone.

Im so going to buy a bunch of cats and take them their.

there is also a dog friendly park in amherst, mill & sheridan, off to the side of the old folks home there. Lot of open land, the creek, etc.

i’ve been waiting for a place like this… having 3 dogs it’ll be nice to just let them go! hopefully the people who go there will remember to clean up after their dogs… nothing better than fresh piles everywhere.

Cleaning up after your dog is kinda common sense, but you’re right, some people are lazy. That’s when knowing dog’s names and who owns them comes in handy… you can point it out to everyone, “Digger is taking a dump… where’s Digger’s daddy?” Good times. haha

My God, more than a half dozen posts already and not one Michael Vick joke to be found.

shut up Zong. lol

i cant wait till chip is fully vaccinated