Dog Owners - dog park incident

[gonna be a long one]

I’m not sure if anyone else on here takes their dog to dog parks or not, i can’t remember if they had them back in buffalo. But i take my dog to one near me at least once or twice a week.

Big fenced in area, dogs can run around leashless playing while the owners sit on the benches and talk.

This past sunday me & the gf took our dog there and let him run off to play when we noticed we hadnt seen him for a bit. The gf walks off to find him and i she brings him back to where we were sitting and looks pissed off. She found him in the back corner of the dog park, an old (late 50s-60s) woman sitting on a bench was holding him by the collar and when he would pull away to try to come to christina as she walked up, this woman yanked him back to a sitting position. The woman claimed he was trying to hump her dog.

Its possible i guess although we’ve never seen him hump another dog, just his stuffed animals at home. The gf brought him back to us, a little pissed that this woman was holding him, checked him out to make sure he was ok, and released him to go play. He ran right back to play with this old womans yellow lab so we moved where we could watch.

They played for a bit then both layed down to rest and this little white dog climbed up on hers and began to hump the hell out of her dog’s back and she didnt have a care in the world about it. This white dog humped her dog for a good 5min before it walked off as my dog and hers began to play again. We looked away for half a second and this bitch again had our dog by the collar.

Gf flipped out :eekdance: Walked over to her and demanded she release our dog. The old woman gave us a blank stare and continued to grip our dog’s collar and actually pulled him farther away from us. Gf grabbed our dog and forcibly pulled him away and unleashed a torrent of f-bombs, cunt, fat bitch phrases upon this woman as i leashed up our dog and we left :eekdance:

It just amazed me that this woman thought it would be ok to physically restrain someone elses dog like that. We’ve had incidences before with over agressive dogs and you just shoe them away. And if she thought her dog was done playing, you leave the fucking dog park you dont sit there with your tired dog and get upset because another dog is trying to play.

cliffs: old woman holds my dog by the collar, gf flips shit on her

dogs are stupid

story sucks.


of old lady or gf or lil dog smashing other dog

but gf nudes would be best…k thanks

and i just got a dog 3 days ago and have not been to a park :gotme:


your girlfriend sounds classy.

photobucket blocked :gotme: i can’t see shit lol


dogs hump other dogs at the dog park, shit happens. some owners get pissed, some owners could care less. I personally don’t care TOO much, but I prefer for people to pull their dogs off of my dog when they start to hump him.

You should watch after your dog while you are there man. Some pet owners are weird people.

now if the old lady was some hot cougar would you have made this

that’s the odd thing though, i thought i put it in my orginal post. But while our dogs were resting, a little white dog (yorkie size) climbed up on her dogs back and straight pile-dived on him for a good 2min and the woman could care less.

you said 5 min in the OP


that 3min is big for a dude

yes but it would have involved resolving our issues merging into a 3some on the picnic table thread

sry i’ll have to check my notes on the day, i keep a stopwatch on me and record everything

Isnt it the law to keep your dog on a leash at all times anyways? :gotme:

little white dog that humped her dog was roughly this size

not in the dog park thing

dog park, collar required but unleashed.