Dog Owners - dog park incident

I go there all the time and have NEVER seen something like that happen unless an “altercation” is going on where 2 dogs are having dominance issues.

That’s an odd situation; and pretty screwed up. If she was trying to keep them apart fine, but then again she could’ve been a lot nicer to you and your dog.

I’ve personally met a few bad apples down there, but most people who come down there are great.

Your GF had all the right in the world to do what she did; I would’ve done the same thing.

there’s issues with dominance occasionally but the owners usually just separate their dogs and everythings fine. I have never seen someone hold and restrain another person’s dog like this woman was doing, it was pretty fucked up.

Ive met some pretty…um…strange…people at dog parks. Some people are just really strange.

I used to take my dog to a spot in North Tonawanda that wasn’t a dogpark but it was a well known off the leash area. There were about 10 dogs running around there playing with each other. Some old guy comes along with his dog on the leash, and the dog is barking up a storm. All ~10 dogs run over to this guy and his dog, since the dog is barking so loudly. The guy starts SCREAMING “HE IS NOT FRIENDLY, HE IS NOT FRIENDLY!!” and the dog is just snapping at all the other dogs. And I just couldn’t understand for the life of me why such a grumpy old man and his mean dog would even bother walking in an area that is a well-known off the leash spot. He should have at least turned around and walked the other way when he saw dogs running around freely.

Some pet owners are just stupid and weird.

there’s one woman at my park that brings the nastiest little terrier. It only wants to play catch with her and if any dog gets close it snaps and attacks them. It bit my dog pretty badly when he was 3months old. The other owners have made her leave a few times but she keeps bringing this nasty dog back.

I was so happy the one day when it finally picked on the wrong dog and this bigger dog completely wrecked him lol.

haha, just another little dog with a big dog complex.

you’re mad cause someone was restraining your dog?

its a public dog park. sometimes people feel that they don’t have an alternative.

Was it a BS reason? IMO, yes.

I’m just saying, don’t be pissed when someone restrains someone elses dog… everyone has their reasons & fears.

off topic but is this the park on the corner of pine woods park and christiana street?

it is right on niagara falls blvd. where the tim hortons is near the creek. There is a little island, you have to walk over the bridge and people let their dogs play on the island there.

no its about 400 miles east of there (philly)

edit: n/m saw you werent asking me

lol. he quoted boardjnky

can the dogs swim there? mine loves water, i’d take him there whenever i’m back visiting family if they can swim around.

yeah thats why I liked it so much, he was able to go in the water and cool off. Big brown dogs get hot in the summer, he needs to be able to swim.

head to the Amherst State Park, unofficially known as an Amherst Dog Park, everyone is always off leash.

Lot of open area, and as you can see from teh Google, access to the creek. We stroll down stream quite a ways. Is deep enough for my 95# shep to swim.

I’ve had minor issues at the park before, but nothing that keeps me from going; both my dogs love it, and it gets them socialized better than just playing with each other; plus its a large place to run.

I actually just found out my trainer actually goes there once in a while to work with his personal dogs… he doesn’t advertise who he is or what he does there though, as to not start anything.

The thing people need to remember is that these are animals, they have natural things they do, and they have personalities. As long as they are in control by their owners, or reasonably in control; then everything’s fine; IMO 98% of the issues at any off-leash park are caused by the owners not having proper control of their dog.

I’ve been at the Lasalle one where we’ve actually asked/told people to leave with their dogs because the dog was NOT sociable and did nothing but cause issues.

I believe the “new” park that they’re building at Lasalle will have a “wet” area where the dogs can maybe not swim, but get soaked.

Dog parks aren’t a place where you turn your back on your dog while chatting with other dog owners. You should be monitoring your dog at all times. Anything that happens when you’re not watching your dog is your fault. You said it yourself, you hadn’t seen your dog “for a bit.”

If you’re not in control of your dog, who SHOULD be? Sure this situation sounds like the lady is a little short on manners, but again, where were your dogs owners? Oh yeah. Chatting on the bench.

As someone else said, humping is almost always an act of dominance, not sex. If your dog humps his toys, I would expect he’d try to hump any dog he feels he should dominate. Not in a BAD way, it’s just how dogs communicate who’s boss. Some people do the same. :wink:

How the lady treats other dogs is really her own thing. Not consistent, but again, you didn’t have your dog under control, so she felt the need to restrain it (AGAIN).

The dog park in Buffalo’s LaSalle Park (The Barkyard) doesn’t have the best signage, so everyone tends to play dog park cop, and educate other dog owners on how to deal with their dogs. Maybe that’s a good thing?

Here’s a photo of the rules at a park we often visit in Florida:

I hope this doesn’t come off as a belligerent rant. I’ve been a proponent of dog parks in Buffalo for a few years now, and firmly believe they’re safe and extremely beneficial, assuming everyone follows the rules.

happens it’s a dog park. As for the woman, ask her why perhaps?

It has already been well said by others, so I’ll just say “what they said”. I’ll also add that I’m sure the woman’s recollection of the story would be a far cry from the genocide you reported.

lol @ the animated gifs, especially this one:

Did you like actually like just actually write this?