Buffalo Police Brutality?

Ehhhh, If he was just minding his own business or commited a minor crime sure.

But this kid was selling coke and crack and ran from the cops. I hope the cops beat down every single person in this situation. They’re protecting and serving quite well IMO.

Didn’t really care about what the cops were doing until the cop hit him after he was cuffed. Anything prior that an officer must do when someone is resisting arrest I don’t care about.

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Exactly. If you want to rough him up do it while he is fighting back and make it look like you are doing your best to subdue him. If you do it when he is on the ground and 100% defenseless you are a giant pussy.

I have been in a similar situation to this in Canada where a friend had a bottle smashed on his head and three of us pursued and tackled the kid who did it. The cops showed up and took over. After they thanks us and filled us in on our friends status (en route to hospital) they proceeded to throw him into the side of the car twice then punch him in the gut as they loaded him in the car. I questioned their actions and they laughed and said a dirtbag who hits someone defenseless deserves it. I wasn’t about to argue with them so i laughed at the irony and walked away.

Had to come in and correct your statement, sorry.

On a side note, I love when people get suspended with pay. Its like saying take a paid vacation on us and the tax payers.

Exactly, it’s spelled out in article 35 clear as day, that police can use force in performing an arrest. There are then further department and country rules that put more regulations on law enforcement, and spell out guidelines on what tools and force can be used to what threat. Once the suspect is in handcuffs, you can still use force. They can still do a TON of harm while cuffed, even on the ground. In this case though, the video makes it pretty clear that the officer let his emotions take control, and that is when cops get in trouble.

Good to see him beat down.


I will just say this.

I know the cop. He is a good dude that made a mistake.

Im sure all of us have fucked up at work before. Whether it be little or something big that really ruined your day, we’ve all been there.

Should he have done it? Probably not. Will he learn a lesson from this? Most definitely. Its not like he went and beat up your grandma. He was taking a scumbag off the streets who would probably rob your grandma if he had the chance.

Like others wrote he got a little carried away.

I agree with you. Had he not run from the police, it’s feasible to assume this wouldn’t have gone as far as it did. Would I have done what he did if I were a cop? Almost guaranteed and more than likely that the other officers would’ve had to restrain me and pull me off him. Do I classify this as “abuse or brutality”? Absolutely not. He got a slap on the face and maybe a little Red Wing to the melon. Big fuckin deal. Man up pussy. Police have to deal with a huge amount of bullshit on a daily basis and the reality is that few of the people they deal with are “savory” characters. I don’t condone a beating to the grave but maybe if a few more people got a rap in the beak more often than not, they would get their shit together.

There is a level of accountability & integrity that should be upheld by LEO. This guy is almost certainly scum but he is a fellow citizen and deserves his day in court. The opening moments where they were piling on and even smacking a bit to subdue is something I fully understand, he was fleeing/resisting arrest. The tail end was inhumane, uncalled for and opens up taxpayers to expensive lawsuits etc…

Also…maybe I missed it here but seems nobody seems to be discussing the cops tampering with evidence. It was this charge that put the cops in boiling water from what I hear.

What was the tampering with evidence? Somehow I missed that.

cop threatened to arrest the guy taking the video if he didn’t erase it. Or so he says.

They were willing to toss in a few extra strikes, why wouldn’t they would be willing to tamper with evidence? Buffalo PD is kinda known for this type of thing. Granted they have the most REAL crime to deal with in WNY so they are certainly deserving of SOME extra slack IMO.

Things the video does not show.

Guy running from cops.
Guy ditching drugs as he ran.
Guy resisting the officers efforts to subdue him.
Guy talking shit to the cops as he was taken to the ground.
Guy attempting to spit on the cops.

Some things the news decided not to report. Call it inside information if you want.

And that’s what justified the use of force during the arrest. No one really argues that other than the hippies in youtube.

So the guy shot video of the arrest but there’s no video of the cop asking him for the camera or to delete the video? I find that pretty suspicious.

See Rodney king

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What the hell is going on here. Are people really defending the actions of the cop?

NO ONE feels sorry for the guy that got slapped around. Him getting hurt really isn’t the point. The point is that this cop, good guy or not, felt the need to bully someone that had already been subdued. It’s basically saying that if anyone frustrates this guy enough he would lash out. I sure as shit don’t want cops with that type of behavior ‘protecting’ me.


If you watch the video there were 2 guys at a distance. They swapped phones from what I understand, so when the cop demanded the phone & looked for the footage there was no vid to delete.

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The bold is what makes your stance biased.