Cop beats up two guys at once

Pretty cool that he manhandles both of them.

seen like 10 mill. times

ha ha " lets go get our lawyer"

more police vids we should make a POLICE VID’s one thread and merge the rest and sticky it

Lol, the two guys fight like pussies…

but the cop is pretty ba for not pulling the gun right away and going with the fight

Wow, I cant believe the two guys thought they weren’t doing anything wrong. I say we all go tell cops we can kick their asses, and then start punching them and then say “oh, you’re in trouble buddy… you’re outta this town. I’m gonna sue you for pulling me over, and trying to arrest me when I’m threatening you”

I hope those guys got in some serious trouble… cause, wow, that is just plain retarded.

these guys are in the clear, no salt on a burger was involved

I’ll admit, I lolled
