Buffalo Scoobie

Any members?
I reciently joined and it appears as if I’m already banned without even making a first post!! I can’t even PM on Buffalo Scoobie to get help myself.

Well at any rate, I bought a 1992 Loyale 4WD wagon for a “winter beater” and she’s grown on me. I’ve wanted a Subaru since '01 when I went to Australia as an exchange student and my Host Dad let me drive his Forrester (right hand drive 5-sp) all over crazy dirt roads and even the pasture.

So, does anyone wanna help a car-knowledgeable girl out here?? :confused:

im sure you not banned, pm dozer he runs buffalo scooby

hiya, another scooby owner also

yea you just have to complete regestration before you can view anything if i remember correctly

I was trying to avoid that.
I get the feeling he’s not a fan, we’re both in dubsinthebuff.com and he’s part of the click that doesn’t speak to me.
But hey, it’s worth a shot!

yea buffaloscooby is one of the nicest forums ive been on. i dont see why ud be banned

Buffalo Scooby ftw! Except I havent browsed much lately…

Well I PMd Dozer.
I’ll keep ya updated. I did get an email to compete registration, and clicked the link (as with every other forum I belong to) weeks ago. We’ll figure this out I’m sure.

Hopefully I’ll see you guys on BuffaloScoob later. :slight_smile:

[quote=“chrisy sdhesive,post:4,topic:25327"”]

I was trying to avoid that.
I get the feeling he’s not a fan, we’re both in dubsinthebuff.com and he’s part of the click that doesn’t speak to me.
But hey, it’s worth a shot!


I AM!? Seriously, you have the wrong impression. I am not part of any “Click” on DITB.

I didnt get any PM, but I will PM you.

In the meantime, hop on over to the tech thread and figure out my damn check engine light problem. If nothing else, the car’s reliable compared to my VW’s and my Saab. rolly eyes


I AM!? Seriously, you have the wrong impression. I am not part of any “Click” on DITB.

I didnt get any PM, but I will PM you.


Thanks Tom. :slight_smile:
Sorry to get the wrong impression of you. Check it out at Taffy’s this spring, there’s 2 specific groups in DITB. The good cars (you, Xander, etc etc) and us crappy car drivers (myself, Sak, used to be JJ, and the like).
I find it funny. It’s like the high school cafeteria.
Looking forward to joining Buffalo Scoobie.

[quote=“chrisy sdhesive,post:10,topic:25327"”]

Thanks Tom. :slight_smile:
Sorry to get the wrong impression of you. Check it out at Taffy’s this spring, there’s 2 specific groups in DITB. The good cars (you, Xander, etc etc) and us crappy car drivers (myself, Sak, used to be JJ, and the like).
I find it funny. It’s like the high school cafeteria.
Looking forward to joining Buffalo Scoobie.


HAHA, the only reason I am in any group is because they happen to be the people I know…


HAHA, the only reason I am in any group is because they happen to be the people I know…


Which is a good reason. I think that’s why the clicks exist though. We’re all afraid or too shy to reach out and actually extend the circles.

Dozr fixed everything. See ya on BuffaloScoobie!

Woo hoo! See you there and here!

[quote=“chrisy sdhesive,post:10,topic:25327"”]

Thanks Tom. :slight_smile:
Sorry to get the wrong impression of you. Check it out at Taffy’s this spring, there’s 2 specific groups in DITB. The good cars (you, Xander, etc etc) and us crappy car drivers (myself, Sak, used to be JJ, and the like).
I find it funny. It’s like the high school cafeteria.
Looking forward to joining Buffalo Scoobie.


Crappy Car Drivers signing in.

lol, everyone on DITB hates newman

DITB kids represent :wink:
Sorry, german cars hate me.


lol, everyone on DITB hates newman


what makes u think its any different here?

How many times can you fuck this up?


I’m on both DITB and BS also.