Buffalo Skyway Repurposing

Won’t hear me say this often but I 100% agree with Higgins. All the stupid plans to keep parts of the skyway are just that… stupid.

And he brought up the same points I did about traffic. You can use the existing streets to absorb the traffic with some upgrades. This is the first I’ve seen of the suggesting of rerouting\extending Tifft to connect Rt5 with South Park and that’s brilliant.

I just wish he spoke up before we gave City of Lights $100k for a plan that won’t be used :thinking:

Came to say the same thing. We offered $100k and not one of those final plans fully took down the skyway. What a giant waste of money that contest was.

Better question, when the hell are they going to fix the roads all around that area. They are some of the worst in the city and it makes no sense. All these new businesses, buildings, etc have gone up and the roads surrounding them are an absolute joke to drive. The inner harbors roads are shit, from the baseball field down to the hockey rink down Washington is an absolute nightmare. You’d think with all the nice upgrades, the street could resemble the rise in quality around there.

Part of the plan is paving the roads around the area. Otherwise this would be a REAL shit show.

They need to be paved way before the skyway comes down. Let’s be honest, even if they push for the skyway to come down, it will probably be a few years from now before anything is actually done on it.

Spending the money before Biden is even in office yet, let alone the bill being presented and voted on. But I guess it’s no different than writing a book about solving the pandemic before the pandemic ends.


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IMO the skyway is a dumb thing to be focusing on and just a “look at me” attempt by Cuomo.

It’s obviously just a method to free up the land used by the entrance/exit ramps for development

I’d just leave the thing alone. I’m all for city streets absorbing traffic but this is a bit of a special case considering how the water partitions things. When it was shut down a couple summers ago my beach trip travel times were doubled, not worth it to go to a shitty american beach. And General Mills still needs water access.

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