Peace Bridge goes back to the drawing board

Because the grand bridge design might be a problem for minnows and the common tern.


This thing will never get built.

Im sick of this shit!


Buffalo Snooze has a much better article:

I don’t think any of us will see this fucking thing within our lifetime.

just make a tunnel.

edit - to be honest tho, I like the 3 arc one better.

Just now realizing this?

lol birds can’t fly around things apparently

It’s all about the money and figured the weak dollar would finally push this through since so much money is flowing in a west to east direction.

Nor can minnows. It’s amazing. You throw a rock in their path and they just stop and give up. They would never try swimming around it.


Such is WNY politics. Oh well. Same shit different… Well, just same shit I guess.

Same shit, same as yesterday?

not only does that bridge look sweet, but watching birds decapitate themselves on the cables is a fucking bonus. How are they not building this now?

what fucking joke.

im actually embarassed that these bafoons are representing us.

“Your decision to block the Menn design on the basis of some totally unproven notion that ducks and hawks and falcons will smash into the wires and come crashing down to the roadway in some significant numbers would be laughable were its consequences not so potentially dire,” Higgins had written to them Feb. 25.

Great quote

I also find it interesting that the Toledo bridge was built, even though 5 workers were killed in the process and now ice is building up on the tower and falling and hitting/serverly damaging cars in the process.


Much bigger fish to catch than a bridge.


The 3-span bridge that they will be able to build is MUCH hotter.

these bridges just dont fit in buffalo imo…

huge waste of money to accomplish a simple task.

3-span does look better.

LOL @ the Higgins quote.