bidge collapsed in Minneapolis

edit:2 go here and click on breaking news… the previous link wasn’t related I don’t think

holy shit…

edit: yeah… I fat fingered the title… but can’t edit it soooo…

Read about it on my hpone while taking a dump at work.

Sounds like that company wasn’t doing too grand with OSHA violations recently.

yeah, just saw it on the news and was like “holy fuck”

all kinds of cars on fire and shit

Very huge bridge right there. Wow.

“Sprained ankle and minor cuts”, not bad for having 2 steel beams crush your truck. The worker though, “fractures of his pelvis, left elbow and lower left leg”, that’s rough. Could have been a lot worse.

edit- Seeing the updates now, this is pretty bad. Terrible to see somethin like this happen.

Meh, damn live streaming video, can’t capture images.,0.jpg

Great, another reason for everyone to scream TERRORIST!

hopefully this will prompt the work on the peace bridge to move a little faster. could you imagine if this happened to that bridge?!? omg i dont even want to think about how much damage and delays that woukd cause.

So your saying to speed up repairs is Safe? IDK But I think by pushing time makes us overlook things and thats why shit like this happens

that is just crazy…saw the news last night with the story

64’ plunge. Can’t imagine being in my car and having the road fall out from under me like that.

Looking at the pictures, can you imagine being on of those cars that ended up on the parts that didn’t colapse? Now you’re sitting on a pillar in the middle of the river.

"A 2001 study conducted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation found “several fatigue problems” in the bridge’s approach spans and “poor fatigue details” on the main truss.

The study suggested that the design of bridge’s main truss could cause a collapse if one of two support planes were to become cracked, although it allowed that a collapse might not occur in that event. But, the study concluded, “fatigue cracking of the deck truss is not likely” and “replacement of the bridge … may be deferred.”"

Perhaps they should’ve reconsidered that estimate 6 years ago.

IBconspiracy theories.

IB4 loose change

Dick Cheney did it to draw attention away from Gonzalez.

CNN has video of it colapsing.

i don’t know how many of those close up photo’s are actually up close or if they are just zoom lenses, but how big of a piece of shit do you have to be to sit there snapping photo’s when there are people trapped in their cars? you’d think this would be when the best of people come out to help eachother, but it just shows what people will do just for a paycheck.

A lot of the pictures look like they’ve been taking after the dust settled (so to speak) and rescue workers were on the scene. I can’t imagine that the police condone civilians running around potentially unstable wreckage, only adding to the death toll…