peace bridge?

so last night i was driving home and i noticed the peace bridge was lit up weird, i thought there were like cops or something shining lights on the bottom of it, but as i got closer i realized they put all sorts of crazy lights on the bottom of it that change color and chase each other and looks AMAZING! it was nice to see that they are doing something to make this city look more desirable :tup:

I’ll have to check it out.

Won’t be on much until May…

I was driving through downtown Milwaukee the other night and their highway system has a small section with a ton of on and offramps in one small area and they are lit up like that as well. I think its a nice touch.



this is totally unnecessary! we should be spending money on our Cavaliers!

why are we investing in lights on this dinosaur instead of investing in the new bridge we were supposed to have 15 years ago?

+1. It’s cool if the bridge is staying, but I thought the most recent plan was to replace it. It’s like putting a new custom interior in a car you’re planning to scrap.

I was hoping the stimulus plan would give local legislators the spark to get things going on that…Seems like the kind of thing it was signed for, needed infrastructure and local job creation


Not to mention the big money saved because shipping companies don’t have their trucks stuck waiting at the border for hours on end. A new peace bridge is the EXACT thing we should be spending stimulus money on.

Nikuk, the conservatives were the ones who want the bridge built. It’s the stupid hippies who shot down the last plan because it endangered their precious common tern.

wild looking, but imo waste of money.

<—LED FTW :smiley:

They updated all of the lighting in the town square/park at Jackson Hole Wyoming too. It was a bit strange after looking at the old bulbs for so many years.

I know. My point was very poorly made. :picard: Me.

fuck a new bridge. The bridge serves one purpose and it’s suited for now. No new sweet looking bridge is going to make the city into a boomtown. IMO, bridge building money (i.e $50M or so) can be best put somewhere else with more of a purpose, like waterfront developement.

Lights are a good move as a temporary solution. :tup:

There is no need for a new bridge once they totally open the boarders of N.A.
You people haven’t figured this out yet?
No more waiting in line - no need for more capacity.

What’s that purpose, to be a traffic jam for hours?

They are dumping a lot of money into replacing all the toll plaza’s. I have a feeling the bridge is staying put for forcasted future.

Sweet lights though

Did somebody say monorail?