Buffer Needed

Is there anyone on here that wouldn’t mind taking a ride to my house (right near saratoga lake) and throwing a decent buff job on my Syclone for a good price? I’d obviously have CRC do it, but I’m not driving it very far till it gets re-tuned. The sooner the better! Let me know.


Does it need paint correction or just a good sealant?

If someone wants to give him a good deal I’ll even drive up there and have my car done as well to make it worth their while for the drive (schedule permitting)

hotwheelzz, got your PM. i haven’t done any detailing in 2+ yrs and wouldn’t want to get back into it on someone else’s car. plus i’m super busy til my class is over. have alpine come up and do it, he’s got my old buffer and would probably do it for a quick rim job anyway

I have an orbital and one step sealant which I think works wonders. I can’t get out deep scratches or super deep swirls but minor marring and light clear coat scratches can usually be taken care of.

Having boostcreep do my black beauty in a few weeks

My cousin actually took the time to clean it up… It was just haze in the 20+ yr old clear coat… Still needs to go back and get a few shots cause it was getting late and the shadows made it hard to see… But, she’s back to black.

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This was the Sy I picked up super cheap a couple years ago. A few hours and some elbow grease and it looked like a different truck.

The cladding was the hardest part to get back. It is a raw finish from the factory and it soaked up so much back-to-black it took multiple coats to get a consistent finish.

I think your cladding was painted at one point wasn’t it?

Nope… We were talking about the back to black today… I thought about having my shop paint it… They have that primer now that sticks to everything.

truck looks fantastic now!