Build a pole around the earth...

Build a pole around the earth…

read this on my other forum… thought I’d share:

Say you built a pole around the Earth. It was say ten feet above the ground. It propped up as different groups of people build and connect it around the world. Okay, say it’s done and there is nothing in the way.

You undo all the supports. Does it just hover there? I mean, it can’t fall down but would it just bounce around? Could you spin it around? Be a great way to travel.

pretty mind boggling.


oh geez … ANOTHER totally random thread idea by gabe :S haha

hmmm that is mind boggling.

but i dont think it will just hover in mid air like that.

you should post that on

it might. considering it cant really fall down on one side since the other side its moving up which is against the laws of gravity.

It will break.

Not boggled at all.

Any reason? Say the material is totally out of the question. Just believe for one second that it will stay intact using T-304999zx9xxx steel, and it will stay in one piece, with negligible structural flaws.

Will it stay afloat in the air?:R

well obviously the steel is not gunna be all one piece so there will be seams in it…and wat will happen is it will all just crash to the earth because of gravity…snapping at the seams

probably fall to one side of the earth, as the earth nor the ring will be a perfect circle. Plus it’d be impossible to undo ALL the supports at once. but yea, the other side would probably collapse as well.

my theory is that it’ll get bent from gravity and fall to the ground

It would blow away

Assuming that it stays in one piece, and it is structurally strong enough not to collapse (which is quite possible if it is made of a light, strong substance,) that sucker will acquire a spin. Depending on how high the ring is above the ground:

  1. If it is 10m over the earth, the resistance of the air along the sides MAY slow down the rotation. Eventually some sort of equilibirum speed will be found.
  2. If its over 1km over the earth, the resistance may be negligible, and the ring will be in a geostationary orbit.

Both of these scenarios assume the ring is around the equator, and follows the equatorial line.


Now, the question is, what to do with a large ring/pole around the entire earth…


lmao good idea

the earth is not completely symmetrical in it’s magnetic pull, areas where the earths crust is thinner will have a stronger magnetic field. over the ocean these magnetic fields actually move and change shape. IF this was made of a ferrous material… if not( plastic or carbon ect. ) then weather conditions would play a greater role an object with that much surface area would be subject to severe shear… For a close analouge of this ‘concept’ read up on some of the issues with building a space elevator… which people are working on right now…

Space elevator wtf? that’s trippy, i gotta google that up

Actually, this comes from Nikola Tesla , a famous inventor that well…isnt so famous. ( He created the Tesla Coil, DC and AC power converters, and a lot of motor ideas… A TON of patends )

Anyway, one of his theries was that if you build a huge ring around the world, it WOULD hover there because of the force of gravity would pull equally along the ring.

I did a lot of research of Tesla a few years back because i was curious about him once i decided to build my own Tesla Coil (still to be done ).

He has A LOT of patents that are quite intreguing.

One of his great inventions was creating a device to shoot power through the air. To explain more… he made a device that was able to generate energy and light up a light bulb that was placed a distance away from the energy generator without any connection between the 2. ( Now this was a while since i read about him, but i think that was what it was all about. )

^ all this time, i thought it was spelt Telsa lol