Burning oil..help wanted

i suggest you go to the $1 store and buy lots of oil, then drive it for another 6 years

really now, its a honda. i wouldnt worry about it

I agree with ubengineering. When i worked at valvoline a few years back i used to sell tons of that stuff when we first started carrying it. Then people would just come in and straight up ask for it. Used it in my buddies 97 explorer for the last 45k miles and it’s stopped some pretty bad leaks and improved gas mileage a little as well. and for the few $$ it is it’s definitely worth trying it.

Joe knows the full mechanic in a can line up

its more than likely steam seals, im so shocked as to how many people over look this on honda engines, Ive seen it happen numerous times.

Lucus is nice, so is STP stop smoke.

Valve seals are too easy to not do.just did the ones on my winter hooptie a month or so ago.

Ive never seen a honda that had problems with valve stem seals much under 200k miles. Same with valve guides. As previously stated, avoid using lucas and i would pass on any gimmick oil additive. Period. I wouldnt even use the
“high mileage” engine oil, alot of those oils use seal conditioners that make the seals swell, which helps at first, but they go downhill quickly, especially if you switch back to regular oil. I would just put 10w30 in it, nothing else.

nah B-series valve seals always start taking a shit when they hit the 75-100K mark

maybe if you beat the piss out of them. Im guessing his car is a D

correct me if im wrong…specially if he doesnt own an ex…but ive heard vtec can burn oil, especially vtec B’s…now i know the '98 ex has a sohc D…but i heard if your consistently reving it to 5500 rpms, that your going to burn oil…i just did a mini-me with the y8 head, but dont have this problem bc i only hit vtec on the high way…usually…but if this isnt the case, def. check valve seals as well as rings…most likely your culprit…now i know d-series engine and hondas for that matter are high reving engines, but if reved high all the time and driven around like a race car, it will burn oil.

if people are racing around and beating the crap out of it, especially on d series, they tend to oval the cylinders out pretty bad, only if your constantly raping it, but alot of times they will only burn oil when flogged around in vtec, ive seen it a few times.

oh ok ok…so i am kinda right…ive know 2 people with sohc vtec and 1 with a dohc vtec and they all were burning oil, and one of them said hitting vtec constantly will do it

kinda. But you really have to thrash them for a long time. My one friend had like 140k miles on his vtec D series, i remember we went to the NYIRP one time and her burned like a quart and a half worth of oil between arcade, and racing at the track before we left haha. He was always in vtec raping that thing.

Edit: if he stayed out of vtec, youd never see blue smoke, and the engine wouldnt use nearly as much oil, but almost as soon as he got into vtec it would just start going through oil like crazy

yes it is a 98 ex…dont really beat on it too much…it probably doesnt help that it sits in my garage all winter

ok so i have a question. Do you realise what actually happens when the VTEC “hits”. Its highly unlikely that the valve timing being altered will contribute to accelerated engine wear but rather the fact that the car is getting the shit beat out of it on a daily basis. Really hitting the rev limiter is not the right way to drive. In the words of George Carlin. “you are doing it all wroonngg!!!”

oh yea…i mean i know what happens when vtec engadges, not that it would cause engine wear, but mainly just being reved high enough to hit vtec constantly

Want to sell it, I will take it off your hands.

i was actually debating to sell or not. i love the car but it may be time to sell. i need to think about that a bit lol

vtec itself doesnt cause it but it contributes to the problem by helping the engine make more power, which increases cylinder pressures, esp at high rpms which makes the engine burn more oil, unless it really is coming from the valve seals, in that case, just the engine turning at high rpms regardless of cylinder pressures wears the seals

20 bucks. Cash in hand. I can be there tonight;).