My car is burning oil. What do I do?

So, help me out here. I have a couple of questions:

The CEL is on. The code it’s throwing is something to do with emissions. I thought it was for an o2 sensor. It’s not. They’ve already been replaced. That’s the only code it’s throwing. I had it reset twice and it’s still the only one showing up.

It’s burning oil. And studdering. I can’t explain it very well, but sometimes when I accelerate, it seems to hesitate and it sounds almost like it’s backfiring. I’m not sure if that’s the correct term. When it’s idling sometimes it kind of sounds like it’s backfiring too.

I was told I most likely have a bad piston ring, so I bought some ring sealer shit at Autozone, and it’s running a little better but still has the symptoms sometimes. The sealer stuff has made the car stop smoking excessively though. And idle smoother.

So, my questions are:
Is it possible for the oil to “clog” the cat?
Would a “clogged” cat make my car run like shit? Like it’s… not breathing? Haha.
Is there anyway I can fix this?
Would changing the plugs and wires have any effect on this?

start fucking a mechanic stat…


My Legacy was doing the same thing, especially when the car had been sitting overnight or when it was raining. It was throwing misfire codes once in a while, but not always. The coilpack tends to crack over time from the heat of the engine, and water gets in there. I replaced the coilpack, plugs, and wires, and it runs 100x better now.

change the rings.

probably need a hone too now that its been going on for so long.

i second the start banging a mechanic post.

nothing beats free labor.

Try pulling out the plugs and dumping some Marvel Mystery oil down the spark plug holes. I did it on my E30 and the shit worked miracles. If you can let it sit for a day or two that would be better but I would dump 2-3 Table spoons down each spark plug hole, let it sit, turn the motor over to expel any extra oil out of the holes and then put the spark plugs back in and see if it helps. You can get the MMO at walmart in their automotive section. Red bottle with a black and white lable.

^ Would that even work in a Subaru with the pistons facing sideways and all? Serious question.

The plugs are kind of a pain to get out of that engine (frame rails are in the way), so if you do decide to try that, just replace the plugs while you’re in there.

I actually have a good coilpack for sale but I’m not sure whether or not it would fit your car.

get a new cat or delete or gutt your current car, run some seafoam through it too

WTF. car is burning oil… WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???

ugh as usual. What is the exact code it is throwing? All check engine lights are emissions related. Yes a plugged cat would cause a massive loss of power, feeling of the engine being choked up.

Need more info. Like pat said lets start with the specific code please :slight_smile:

ps don’s a mechanic

wink wink


Dawn…you still need to buy a reliable car. Good thing I don’t sell Subaru parts.

Call me tomrrow, we’ll talk.

she said it was sputtering and such which is wat my car did when the car was plugged

even funnier was that my original post was this

" need more info…and nudes before diagnosis :P, just kidding for fucks sake"


we’re not mechnics. just really good guessers right don?

educated guessers

who will fix cars for sex