Burnyd's 91 toyota Mr2 turbo.

why am i not surprised:ugh2:
he likes having his cars towed behind the red truck. we been having practice at the shop pushing the car around. cars seems light so shouldn’t be too bad to move:D

Dont get your hopes up heh…

I drove the car to a meetup from all kinds of toyota boards in philly… drove it to allentown then to harrisburg back to carlisl then to philly… and drove it back today… and still managed to get around 28-30mpg… Its unreal this 3sgte is such ahealthy motor.

I dont know about that…As it sits with the stock turbo theres no point to really bring it aboe 14psi… thats what Im going to set the boost controller at… but it always has a tendancy to spike 1 or 2psi on a cold night resulting in a fuel cut :(. Also I cant hit 125 without hitting fuel cut…

I cant remember anyone on mr2oc/alltrac.net ever having aproblem with the hks fuel cut defender?

looking good. and pretty good times on a stock motor. but unfortunatly 14.7 still sounds like another meal for the GTP…

and im with Smort, you still suck at goalie :slight_smile:

wats funny is you are now questioning Jay from Hybrid and his knowledge. just like how you doubted Mark supra and his knowledge. i if i was you would listen to ppl instead of snitching i mean telling ppl that know more then you about things youre new too. i mean its not like you didnt screw into your wires

Im not questioning jay’s knowledge… Jay is a professional. He did a great job swapping this motor in the mr2.

Once the car gets a turbo upgrade its comming right back to him to get tuned. Hes a really cool guy and hes really knowledgeable. The type of things they do down hybrid is awesome.

I do think hes really suprised at the way this car is running though.

I have an FCD in my alltrac and I haven’t had a problem. I dont get out much, but I at least haven’t heard the story j’s talkin about. I’d be interested to listen and get educated on what could happen!

Right before I decided to take the alltrac down for the FMIC, I had her peak around 22psi on that big diesel turbo… dear jesis it was retarded! No more of that until fmic and more fuel arrives!!

My input on 14psi on the stocker… I think that the car would be fine on it. I never really understood the reasons people gave for that ct26 to be shit after such a low psi, but whatever. I’ve had my previous stocker way past that and it never quit pulling.

I told him to take off the cover around the steering wheel but he was like “fuck it” and just screwed it in haha then when I drove it on friday i wondered why the turn signals didnt work


you should bring that by, the dsm needs a tune up race

You’re not supposed to move the camera when you take pictures of something haha.

Car looks good though, I like the way mr2s run, it’s weird hearing the motor behind you.

kolar sold a kid in scottdale his FCD. he blew the motor up…enough said. fuel cut is put there for a reason…

We were up at PRP last night, first run was 14.019 or something. Second run was 14.3, I left after the second run.

why aint he posting?:kekegay:

he did go 14.00x something so close each time but he needs more seat time thats for sure and maybe a set of tires

Can his fuel system support double stock boost? Is there something that i’m missing?

damn, he is close to 13s. anotehr good day and he will have 13 sec slip.

As long as he doesn’t get greedy with the boost or speed, the FCD shouldnt be a problem

3sgte’s are PIG rich stock, so upping the boost aint no thang.


They were nice enough to round up and give me a 100mph club :smiley:

If I didnt hit the limiter twice comming out of third I would go and hit high 13s… I was so close I was only at 12psi from 10psi… So I am getting better and better at driving the car… I was consistent all night with my 60ft times… cutting a 2.0 each time. Its 13s or bust next time!