Bush and his theories...


I must be cool…since you have my pictures on your hard drive.


Right click, properties on the picture. Since I’m well aware of how inept you are, here’s a hint; it’s not my photobucket account.


Come on now Jay, you have to admit that Dubbya has been one of the worst foreign policy presidents going back a while.


We’re in an unpopular war that the vast majority of the US representatives voted for.

You have to admit that giving Iran a free pass on nuclear weapons because “we’re making too many enemies” is far worse than anything Dubbya has done.

A declassified summary of a National Intelligence Estimate released by the U.S. government on Monday said Iran had stopped working toward a nuclear weapon in 2003 and is unlikely to be able to produce enough enriched uranium for a bomb until at least 2010.

2010, that’s forever away. We should just forget about them for now. Who ever gets elected in 2008 will have 2 years to fix that problem so lets just back burner it. We MIGHT run out of oil by 2060 and that’s a critical problem, but an insanely unstable leader possibily having a nuke in 3 years is no big deal. :picard:

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, has reported that Iran is cooperating with inspectors by providing access to declared nuclear material, documents and facilities. However, the agency also said Iran is withholding information in other areas, and as a result, the IAEA’s knowledge about the status of the program is “diminishing.”

Oh hell, now I have no worries at all. They’re cooperating. “You can look here all you want, but you can’t look over there”.