Start a war in Iran with the troops that we don’t have:
I wonder what his true beliefs are…
In a speech in Abu Dhabi on the latest leg of a Middle Eastern tour, he also urged the region to embrace democracy.
Why is he so adamant about a region embracing a democracy. Is he trying to tear the roots of the nations straight out the ground and plant new seeds. They have had their government like that for Centuries. The People are so set in their ways and don’t want to be part of the decision making process, they want to be lead. Christ imagine in their eyes what would happen if women could vote, that would flip everything backwards and upside down. A woman with rights.
Without fair elections and freedom of speech, “you cannot expect people to believe in the promise of a better future”, he added.
I Guess this is pretty true… since there is poverty and extreme opulence, no middle. Changing to democracy would shift the sands (no pun intended) a little bit to create a little more equality amongst their people. There is just far too much to change.
No way does congress approve it.
It never said anything about bush invading Iran. Just that he was giving suggestions, and pretty much allegations that Iran was giving weapons and funding to the Terrorist groups.
I like how they were making naval moves on us, sending messages to our ships saying that we were going to explode in several minutes. Then we pointed our guns at them and they backed down almost instantaneously.
Pelosi’s spineless bunch couldn’t hold up to a 5mph wind, much less the Whitehouse :touchy:
gee something we didn’t know before going to war with Iraq…gah not this dead horse again!!!:deadhorse2:
maybe this is his way of fucking the country that mocks him everytime he opens his mouth? dont get me wrong i think he sucks just as much as the next guy thinks he does too, but that doesnt justify the fact that our president has become a mockery by the press and media. oh and im pretty sure everyone is just laughing at us, watching our clusterfuck of a country going down the tubes thanks to our brilliant government.
Sad but true.
I still dont understand how he hasnt had any assassination attempts on his life in the last 7 years.
I’ve watched the Canadian dollar become worth MORE than the US dollar… this is rediculous.
Can we vote Clinton back in? He was great with our money. Plus, he didnt take an hour lunch break every day to get laid, he called his secretary into his office. Smart man.
Clinton for '08.
No, not that one.
they are crazy opium smoking spineless bastards duhhhh
thats a pretty simple answer. remember…the guy that would replace him “accidentally” shot his buddy in the face. trust me bush is the better alternative.
wow thats sumthing i would say.
go bill lol
Fo Sho, as much of an idiot that Bush is, Cheney scares the hell outa me.
:banghead: lol
Truth. Oh, i accidentally pushed the nuke button. Sorry.
At first i though that bush may turn out to be a good president. Now it is like WTF. I think that secretly he considers attacking England because they are not America.
i love how he thinks we can go into countries that are thousands of years old that have been involved in civil war since the beggining of fuckin time, and tell them we will fix everything. Its like a little kid telling 45 year old alcoholic divorced minimum wage suicidal man what he should be doing with his life.
“freedom and justice written into our hearts by Almighty God… no terrorists can take that away”.
I’ve always felt the same way.
For change to happen somewhere, the people of that area need to enact the change, and I don’t see massive revolutions spawning over there anytime soon.
I wouldn’t say that they necessarily need to enact it, but they do need to embrace it. Things in Iraq would have been over by now if all three major sects embraced the peace and ideals that we are force feeding them. However they don’t, so the minute the guys with the tanks leave things will start to roll down hill again. And can you blame them? That would be like China occupying the US and saying here is our system of government; we will sit around while you pick leaders that believe in it, and wait until a majority of the people have broken and take what we are forcing.