Business naming advice? I NEED A NAME!!! Please give me input

Due to some differing points of view with a coworker (who happens to be the owner/founder etc of the company I was subcontracting with) I’ve decided to only work with him on a case by case basis from now on, and I’d rather not use his company name in the future when doing business.

In other words, I’ll be forming my own corp. this month and running all my business through it… I just need a name.

So, in short of what I do is essentially financial planning for seniors and occassionally pre-retirees/retirees.

The majority of my estate planning clients are 70-100 years old (avg age is near 80)
(this is 60% of my business and its very intricate/detailed planning… extremely time consuming)

My retirees but not quite 80 year old clients… we assess their portfolios which are typically overly invested in shitty equities and high risk investments. We then make recommendations and reduce risk. We make sure that if they need nursing care or assistance that their healthcare costs will be completely covered by qualifying them for entitlement programs through the state, the VA, etc… (Probably 35% of my business, however these cases are some of my favorite to work on, so I wouldnt mind doing it more often)

and lastly for people under 50… its typically just an occassional life insurance policy… probably 5% of my business and less than that of my profits. (For the most part its mindless when people are young and healthy)

I need to come up with a business name that encompasses the brunt of my business which is basically helping seniors utilize various entitlement programs to increase their incomes, reduce their costs, and preserve their assets. (pretty much estate planning, wealth preservation, and retirement income planning)

The programs can cover the entire cost of nursing home care, which down here costs nearly 7k a month… THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SEEK ME OUT so that they don’t need to self pay for the care and leave the healthy spouse poor.

Sooo now that you have an idea of what I do… Anybody have a good business name that is niche specific… and unused :wink:


FutureCare. “Taking the worries out of your future”

Will’s Life Planning. “We do your finances, you play golf and drive really slowly”

So, You’re Going to Die…

Willybean and the Undead LLC.

NOW Financial Planning CORP “Plan for the future by getting your present right”

Some kind of “will” double entendre. “Needawill Planning” “Nidawil and Moore Planning” (I know you don’t make wills but…)

Lifecare planners of the treasure coast?

How about something to do with “peace of mind”?

does this look orange to you investment planning.

Lol, I just made this:

HA! I came in here to post something along those lines :tup:

Sheen Enterprises… Dyin’s for Fools

Lol at chris… and ryan.

I thought about thelifecareplanners. but i think i’ll get sued? thoughts?

Big Willy Style

Heir Care: Plan now so theres an estate left to divvy up after the funeral.

I’d consider the following:

Your market’s age. They want/need something short and to the point, so when they see it, they go “oh!”.

Your location. A lot of these people migrated to Florida, so reminding them that they made the right choice moving would be important in a slogan or catch phrase.

Most of the programs I deal with are federally regulated, and I have no issues helping clients all over the US… so SOUTH FLORIDA etc etc might hinder growth and expansion.


It’s got a nice ring to it :tup:

Its taken… lol

Theseniorstrategies? myseniorstrategies? Advisorsonaging? moreeeee?

Sheen Financial planning

Srsly though I like FutureCare.