BUSTED! 142 MPH in 55 zone


dear diary,





that happened a long time ago, this just proves that UAW take forever to do anything


This was in MAY issue of Road & Track. I didn’t know that was a UAW publication.

from the original article dated December 12, 2006

A teenager charged with driving 142 mph along a four-lane divided highway said he was speeding home so his parents wouldn’t be mad at him for being late, police said.
Brandon D. Raap, 16, faces speeding and misdemeanor reckless driving charges and could have his license suspended, police said.

Porter County sheriff’s deputies stopped Raap along a rural stretch of U.S. 30 at 12:40 a.m. Saturday after a radar gun clocked his 2004 Subaru Impreza going almost 90 mph faster than the posted 55 mph limit, police said.

It might be the fastest speed ever recorded on the northwestern Indiana county’s roads, said Porter County sheriff’s spokesman Sgt. Tim Emmons.

“Most people’s cars won’t go that fast,” he said.

Raap told police he was late getting home and didn’t want his parents to be angry, Deputy John Brubaker said in his report. Raap told Brubaker he didn’t have a curfew but is usually home by midnight.

Brubaker didn’t arrest Raap, who had a valid Colorado license, but told him to drive straight home and call him within an hour. Raap’s mother, Cindy Raap, called instead and Brubaker told her what happened.

The Associated Press left a message with Raap’s parents at their home in Valparaiso seeking comment. They declined to comment when contacted by the Post-Tribune of Merrillville.

“Kids sort of have tunnel vision,” Emmons said. “They’re so concerned with not getting yelled at or grounded, they place other people’s lives in jeopardy.”

The highway has two lanes in each direction, divided by a median, and traffic is usually light that time of night, Emmons said.

Not sure, but I think his parents may be more upset about the speeding ticket, than being a few minutes late. What do you think?

[quote=“Z man,post:12,topic:29605"”]

I’ve seen too many episodes of “cops” to ever think about running from them


meh, they only air the footage where they actually catch people.

still not the best idea though.

Maybe that’s why my WRX insurance rate is so freaking high.


meh, they only air the footage where they actually catch people.

still not the best idea though.


And the runners are always the worst drivers in the world. They need a show like, “Worlds Wildest Police Chases of SCCA Drivers”

Officer Billy Bob: “I’m not sure what just happened, but he went left, right, disappeared, showed up behind me for a second, then was gone.”


And the runners are always the worst drivers in the world. They need a show like, “Worlds Wildest Police Chases of SCCA Drivers”

Office Billy Bob: “I’m not sure what just happened, but he went left, right, disappeared, showed up behind me for a second, then was gone.”


i’d watch that show lol

That would be the best driving show ever.

Have cops in cruises try to keep up with SCCA drivers in regular cars.


Officer Billy Bob: “I’m not sure what just happened, but he went left, right, disappeared, showed up behind me for a second, then was gone.”


+1 :rofl:

running from the police was the single scariest moment of my entire life.

Hands down.

ask me about it sometime. i’m not posting it.

Couldnt be in the Lotus…could it??? I couldnt see them looking up that car and having too many owners in WNY. But, then again maybe the cops would think it was a lambo or something.

In my younger days I ran three times that I can recall, never got caught. Smart? No, not hardly. “Wrong?” Maybe so. Fun? Hell, yeah.


Maybe that’s why my WRX insurance rate is so freaking high.


That, and leet public rally drifters. :tup: