Elevens > highway patrol

I’m not going into details but I’m going to say this…

I was cruising down the highway today normally, enjoying my music and the nice weather…until an asshead started to talegate very fucking close to me… I tried to ignore him but he really got into my nerves. I downshifted I flewby a ramp very freaking fast when I noticed a highway patrol getting off the ramp…OH SHIT!!

I see this cop trying to chase me in my rearview mirror… I had a split second to decide what to do…and I came to the conclusion…FUCK THAT!! I’m not going to get a speeding ticket, my record is clean again after 5 years.

I continued going very freaking fast until I got into the next exit, which was my only chance for getaway…no on the ramp I looked into my rearview mirror again and the cruiser started to slow down and looked right at me ( he already missed the exit )…

this was crazy and exciting in some way…but will never do this again :wink:

lol. i have a similar story that i am not going to post online. :tup:

for good reason :slight_smile:

I’m waiting for the follow up post when they show up at your house. Better hope they didn’t get a plate number.

62!!! (only ub members and a few others will get this…)

I thought about it…but he wasn’t even close to me

meh…who gives a fuck…Is not like I do this all the time

hahah oh snap

Haha I can’t decide if you have balls of steel or a brain of mush. Did he have his lights on?

nope…no lights on

this all happened in under a minute…and I’m still shaking


Fuck that i wouldve done the same shit…
but then again i do have 9 points on my liscence. wtf!:cry:

pssh… 9 is nothing


Well then it’s not like you were technically running from him because he had not signaled you to pull over. :tup: Haha I bet you’re shaking, what an adrenaline rush eh?

i got away twice last summer on the 400 with my ninja. the second time was a close call. never again for me.

Anyone who runs from the cops is seriously fucking stupid…

You should know better Juan… :shameonyou:

/Dad Speech

Oh…Jesus Christ!!

whatever papi


que maricon

solamente los martes y jueves :gay3:


hey chulo…IM the same way…BUt everyday except sundays…lol

matt, try living ON NFB and getting followed by Amherst & Tonawanda cops nearly simultaneously.