Buy a full size SUV, get gas at $1.99 a gallon

california is actually pretty rural outside of SF, LA, and San Diego. There is an actual need for full size SUVs.

This is just getting alot of attention b/c people who live in urban areas share the same concerns as stated earlier in this thread. As for everyone’s claims that this is GM being out of touch - I don’t think that theory rings true -

  1. Free Marketing / Advertising - by the suprising amount of media coverage of this promotion, GM should expect better than projected sales. As is, their new Tahoe is critically acclaimed.

  2. This is a rebate - despite the number of people that will purchase a vehicle with every intention of filling for a rebate - how many of those will actually come thru and complete the entire process? Additionally, how long will it take GM to fulfill the rebate request - 8-10 weeks at the soonest? And, even if a person completes the whole process, and a check is sent, what are the odds of the check being cashed?

  3. Please note that in order to qualify, you must be an OnStar subscriber - OnStar will track how much you drive and where you buy your gas from - and lord knows whatelse they’ll be tracking. And who knows what GM will do with that kind of information (sell it to a marketing firm?)

Seems like the GM PR firm knows exactly what they are doing - including the Apprentice website gimmick. There was massive coverage with that as well.