Buy American or . . .

^^^^ there are many fords in the lot and actually a few hondas/toyotas etc. and no one messes with them anymore but most of them are used.I guess they used to do it and heard once of a person buying a yugo and then bragging about it in the plant.I guess sometime in the near future the car was literally totaled while parked in the plant parking lot.

One of the BIGGEST problems in america IS unions. Lazy asshole get overpaying jobs that a monkey could perform. I have worked at places with and without unions, and the places with the unions are the ones that always failed.

Euro meet in the parking lot anyone?

I spend all day doing payroll for union truck drivers, as well as working in the same union before I got this job. I will also agree that it just plan sucks, and America needs to find a way to break them because after the unions break down all these big companies, what do you have left? Masses of unskilled workers wanting to get paid top dollar for nothing

can i just remind everyone that obama is pro unions

Being Pro-Union, and Pro-Automotive-Union are two different things.

union is union, all union employees think the same. mostly all manufacturing jobs are union, does not mean they manufacture cars…

No, not all Union employees think the same. Not all of them believe that the company they work for should wipe their ass whenever they shit, even if they spent half of the work day on the fucking toilet.

I’m not against unions, I think they can be very helpful at times. But lets face it, the UAW has the Big 3 by the balls right now, and they can’t really do shit to change.

Unless of course they get that money they pushed for from the government, then maybe some change will occur, but not much.

not where i work