If he truly is in the military, living in troy id imagine hes apart of the 42nd. I could talk to him personally if this is the case. Please send me a PM if anyone knows more about that.

From my understanding he is not in the military, think it was just a low life scam tactic

He still hasn’t been on here. LOL @ his avatar though…

LOL. Well that should have been the give away from the beginning.


“I dint do it bro I swear”


Just as an update, and prob my last post here - PayPal refunded me the full amount today.

No reason to leave. Stay and talk shit to everyone with the security of distance to protect you. It’s what we do.

Glad you got your money back man.

Same here got my money

Glad to hear, but we still have a fucking thief among us who is a shady motherfucker.

And his name is… JVG

Oh word?

Good outcome to a bad situation but PJB’s brother still got fucked on a tailgate poor guy.



So you get permabanned if you call JVG a scammer?

JVG isn’t even the one who banned anyone. Neither was I.

Just saying, not defending.

Never said JVG was the one who banned him… Im just assuming that’s why he got banned haha.

Locking thread ! J.v.g is a good guy no reason to keep bashing him for no reason