It absolutely should be, Don’t really see what he can do/say that doesn’t make him come back from this. Sad

Oh man. :rofl

Yup sounds like quite the scheme he got going on. glad i never bought anything from him.

Yup I’ve still been texting him, nothing

i was skeptical at first, but at this point you’ve convinced me boostedaudi. sounds like st4tus is up to no good.

Obviously he’s deep in a LARP sesh. Explains why he can’t answer his texts or else he’d be disqualified and also explains his military background. And selling an item multiple times is a very common mistake.

So when bank big wigs skim 2 cents off the top of one account, 1 million times and get caught they get 1 million petty charges :rofl nahhh they are FUCKED big time.

I am no lawyer but I assume that this scheme could be considered premeditated (since its been the same item, a few times), and would be just like the illegal banking example above.

Or you could just get your money back and be done with it…

I like Ryan and all but there doesn’t need more proof for me to believe these guys. I mean how much proof do you need…

Feel sorry for you guys, like everyone else said just file a claim with PayPal or whatever you paid with and go about your everyday lives. It happens all of the time nowadays, people are scumbags.

I’m confused? Everyone said he didn’t serve for any military branch Ollie?

Ollie was joking…

I thought people on this forum were friends with this guy? How come no one has stopped by his house, called/texted/facebooked him about what he’s doing? I used to see this thunder cat cruising around in Latham. This kid can’t be that hard to track down.

he lives in Troy now, not sure exactly where… but not answering my texts either

Lance said he saw him just the other day cruising down alternate 7

benny already said he tried texting him

It’s not our jobs on shift to find Ryan, who the fuck cares. We arent police officers. File the claims, get your money and call it a day.

Or come to ny and beat his ass if that’s what your after, proly what I would do.

yea, what I would do would be to CALL paypal… they usually respond a bit better on the phone

Amen. /Thread

True but the admins should keep people like this off the site.

I’m with you 1000000%. Not saying it isnt a scumbag thing to rip people off, was saying who the fuck cares at this point. Who cares where he is, who gives a fuck that he’s not in the military, who cares when he took his last shit.