This. Full story needs to come out sometime soon.

Roger that.

I’m pretty sure they all filed a claim a while ago but nah the BEST way is to file the dispute with your bank. When that is opened, a dispute is automatically filed on paypal as well. The decision lies 110% with the bank. Even if paypal wanted to side with the seller for some reason, it would make no difference. And you can rest assured that your own bank will side with you, the customer, especially with proof. And you can also do it like months after the transaction, not limited to paypal’s 45 days.

Sounds like you really care about not caring

Actually I care quite a bit when he took his last shit.

20 minutes ago

ohh wait your not talking about me?

this. Man pants are put on and beans should be spilled. Shit sucks but thats what separates the men from travis’

We care because he’s obviously a FUCKING THIEF! Ban him from the site so he can’t use it as a tool to steal from people. Fucking society…what a bunch of Douche fucks. I dated plenty of liars and thiefs, I gave them the benefit of the doubt until I caught them in they’re bullshit. Regardless of how much I cared about the bitch she was still a FUCKING THIEF and a LIAR! With that said get rid of the fuck, I don’t let thieves and shitheads into my life why would you?

Who cares? If we ban him now we cut off the only public place he can respond. It’s better he sees this and everything gets worked out.

5 sailor Jerry’s and ginger and some smoked wings from smokey bones sitting all night in your stomach… And a large iced coffee this morning is a lethal combination for any toilet.


Let him come back and explain himself.

While its a shithead thing to do, innocent until proven guilty in the court of Shift518 I guess.

He should simply be banned from the selling forums. Keep a scammer from scamming no reason to ban him from the entire forum


I take it your friends with him?

nope never met him. I just know that is how a number of other bigger forums operate. you scam you are banned from the classifieds not the entire forum

I say we make him the “for sale” section mod.

This will be dealt with in one manner or another shortly people.

Seriously? I’ve never heard of forums being lenient to scammers(then again I wouldnt really notice and Im sure most scammers stop posting). Still that’s kind of fucked if you ask me


Big forums do it. They’re in it for the money so any decrease in traffic is bad for them.

Gotcha. That makes sense even though it’s still bs imo

I’d love to hear the explanation for this. Mostly the claiming military part. The rest of it is obvious: he is douchbag piece of shit scammer. Probably read to many travis threads whilst falling asleep and it fucked up his subconscious. I don’t really care WHY he did it but I hope he gets everything coming to him and more. In for being an alibi when one of you guys that got ripped off drives to his house and fucks his world up.