if we just ban him, how will he explain himself? And if it doesn’t have a good reason, or the balls to do so, you really think he will keep posting here like nothing ever happened? hell no, people will rip him apart, he will loose it and post something ban worthy and then hes gone.

Rational thinking should prevail here. I only talked to him and met him once, so I would consider him a mutual friend I guess. No bias here, just thinking things through.

What if there is a good reason for all this too??? Just saying.

Word def no reason to ban him till he responds or the case is 100% closed. Chances are he won’t come back anyway so a ban is useless anyway

I was just saying its fucked for forums let confirmed scammers keep posting

LIKE WHAT KIND OF GOOD REASON!?!?!? Part of a collegiate level course in Nigerian scammery?

Eminem and Dre could argue it. “What did she trip fall, landed on his dick?”

In to see how much his rep has changed in the last three days.

He’s probably deployed to some far off land fighting ninja’s.

Pay pal is going to have fun sending back over a grand to us

They’re not going to care.

With visual proof of the transaction like you have posted here, Paypal always sides with the buyer up front.

I can tell you this, Paypal is designed for the buyer. Not the seller. I’ve been fucked as the seller before.

Paypal holds the damn funds, requires tracking info and the buyer can still say they never got it and you will get your money yanked from you.

glad i could send some Vortexers here.

Learned this one the hard way, you need signature confirmation on everything (but i still only do when stuff is over a couple hundred). Sold a guy an amp once and it got lost in the mail,usps said it was delivered but he claimed he never got it (must have went to the wrong address). He filed a claim and got his money back, even though it said delivered! I was out my amp and the $. A month later the guy emails me and tells me he finally got the amp and apologized after seeing the postmark. Lucky for me he let me know and payed me once again. If he hadn’t emailed me i would have went on thinking he just fucked me

I recently got scammed as well from him, but on a different forum. I was purchasing an item off of for $20+$10 shipping. I paypaled him the funds but haven’t heard anything since. I just ended up going to adult world and getting what I needed. Saw PJB there too.

you could save money by getting the white model, cost less to make with less material on a smaller product.

100% truth. I got yanked hard on an i7 mobile processor that I sold to some dickhead. He told eBay that it “irreparably altered the onboard graphics”. It’s a fuckin APU, you toolbag, it IS the onboard graphics. Needless to say, he returned the processor as per their rules – it arrives covered edge to edge with silver paste… on the resistors and everything. Stupid fuck. The processor worked 100% fine, I even filed a “misuse of buyer protection” and nothing happened. The bag of shit even negged me.

adult world is gone so now your really fucked lol

thank you

mad dumbies up in this

that sucks a lot , def enough proof for me tho :frowning: looks like he did it the right way tho and got a bunch of buyers money instead of just one LOL !

nah just kidding that’s fucked up

YNN should see this shit

its still there. Another World is the one that closed because the city is putting a traffic circle in its place but the store moved anyway.

The guy that owns it is 92 and bought my grandparents pontoon boat several years ago.

Let’s be honest. You know because you spend 5 hours a day spanking it in the video arcade.

Ive never been to any of the pervert stores and dont ever plan on entering one. I occasionally drive by them though.

pjb has spoken.