Buying a house

This. Every transaction is different. You can’t just base off the homes price.

Im looking to ideally spend between 50-75k on a house in watervliet. Im glad I brought this up because I completely overlooked closing costs.

Just fucking wing it, thats what i did and im broke as fuck

Gotta be poor before you become rich. -stram

Act like you’re rich before you’re rich. -Stalm

As it is a truly selfless act, I will not talk about changing an older woman’s tire a few minutes ago, insisting on nothing in return. - Ben Wray

Buying 2 family in Saratoga too Murrdogg. Best of luck man.

Have you began searching yet? I don’t think your going to find something too great on that price range

Smart move my man


There isn’t. I just searched MLS and there is a grand total of 1 listing that needs a ton of work in Vliet’.

show me

PM me your email address and I’ll send you the listing.


there was a sick house i was looking at a few weeks ago that used to be a fire house right near railroad tracks… didnt look crazy impressive on the outside, but it was brick and you never judge a book by its cover lol… drive into your huge basement which prolly looks baller as fuck and walk up to your house… right near railroad tracks so if you have a quad or dirtbike, you can ride for days… Think it was in waervliet, gotta find that shit

Murrdog, I just moved into my first multi family in watervliet. If you want to come check it out sometime PM me since the experience is so fresh ill be able to tell you all about it lol

Word, I might take you up on that sometime

post it up, sounds like an awesome place. i would love an industrial type place for my next house with huge garage space and brick and steel

ill try and find it

found it, its actually in waterford not watervliet and its not as nice as i remember… still pretty cool though… i looked it up on zillow, guy paid $22k for it last year… prolly put $20k into it and would prolly take $50k for it.