Bye Bye Buffalo.... :-(

GOOD LUCK MAN :tup: wish ya the best

Oh man…I knew this was coming…er…your going…:cry: Don’t do it! There’s nothing in Tampa except for old people and hot humid weather, it rains all the time, there are hurricanes, tropical storms and all that bad stuff down there! Ok, maybe there are tons of sun tanned hotties down there, nice weather, you can drive your car all year around w/out it snowing, and the job market isn’t in the toilet like in Buffalo. I wish you the best of luck man and I’m going to miss you, especially at work. I don’t know anyone else at LocalNet who would chase down a g00se in the parking lot only to pull a 180 and run away like a little girl after it started hissing at you :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously, you are an awesome person (no I’m not crying!) and I’m sure you’ll be rocking out in Tampa like only the Skunk can do. And who’s going to cause Jason M to have an aneurysm now that your not going to be working at LocalNet anymore? You will be missed…ok so maybe I cried a little. Good luck in Florida Aaron!


i forgot about that goose…

what a bastard

Sweet! Now that my Uncle lives out in Tampa, i’ll be over by you every once in a while :slight_smile: We’ll have to hang out! Welcome to the sunshine state!

try not to miss our lovely winters and overflowing job market here in buffalo :smiley: remember, if you get homesick and need a boost, there’s a casa di pizza less than 45 miles east - from Tampa in Bradenton - playing Bills and Sabres games too. :tup:

good luck in the sunshine state - never did get to meet ya.

bills and sabres FTW!!!

yea i am gonna find out every place that will hold those games.

iam losing my drinking partner. i hope u find more people to play whos in your moulth

Been there. Knows how it goes. It may suck a little for a couple months

but hold out, for the better

i’m sure it will be weird and a little complicated at first. But i hear ya on holding out… it will only get better from there. It will be weird starting over, but the upside, on of my best friends is moving with me and i will still have my sister and brother in law there for a month or so. So hopefully that will help a bit

byebye skunk…and keep in touch :slight_smile:
i’ll call you monday nights after prison break and house to discuss and say 'OMGGG!!!" hahaha

Im so glad we became such great friends, im going to miss you…but when i come out to FL sometime, i shall call you, and you know there will be a place for you to stay out in Seattle! :slight_smile:

LLAMAS 4L!!! :smiley:

OMG!!!11!!! byyyyeeeeee bufffalloooooo :wink:

HAHAHAH… yep… we will call each other monday nights :lol:

i’ll miss you too… and i’m sure we will see each other again. :slight_smile:

LOL… you have been there more than enough times… i’m sure the tab will roll over to you :slight_smile:

I’m going to miss your smiling face…keep in touch hun :slight_smile: goodluck with your new life…starting fresh is sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself! <3 Andrea

Goodluck buddy with the move. I hope everything works out for ya. Have fun, live life to it’s fullest. Never regret anything…OH and make sure to L.S.F. that shit.

sniffle bye little guy… sniffle i’ll miss going to pizza plant with you because we did that once, and its clearly something to miss.

bye skunky… you were one of my firsts…

Good luck, Aaron :slight_smile:

shit!, i dont read OT for a few days and people are moving and knockin chicks up WTF!!! Good luck aaron

peace out aaron. We will always have our cock knocks and slobs. have fun in fl!