Bye Bye Buffalo.... :-(

I noticed the rotten banana smell was gone from Buffalo…lol


congrats bitch

good im flyin in tomorrow have a bed ready for me thanks


holy quick reply why are u hitting refresh over and over again lol

lol…naw just saw it and replied

Glad you made it to Florida ok! Now get yourself setup so we can route some calls from LocalNet to your apartment. :smiley:

He misses us…

:(…so what if i do :stuck_out_tongue:

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww go to the beach i hate u

hi Skunky…i take it the car didnt fly off the trailor

yeah seriosuly…looks like I lost $20 to wahler…

hey bitch…i strapped the car down…it wasnt going anywhere

ugh… i am never moving again. just unloaded the truck…i am dead

you will be back in a year

for my wedding

yea well how about this


lol…ur an idiot

go to fort desoto beach its really fucking nice, and not that far from where I live in st. pete. from tampa it might be like 45 min