Bye Bye garage


My family has owned a auto repair shop since around 1920 in baldwin/whitehall. well around 7 months ago a guy came up asking about buying the place… 1 thing lead to another and now its sold, its no longer ours as of aug 2nd :frowning: i’ve done all my work up there and now im going to have to do everything at home now. big thing im gonna miss is the rack and the tire machine… its going to feel wierd now that i have to go to the place to change my tires and such…

hey! but at least my garage at home is fully stock now :naughty:

how come first try always has ur car?

i’ve been down there cuz he helped with painting my P&P intake, and weldin up the muffler…
which reminds me i gotta buy him a case of beer soon as i get some money rollin in :beer:

would you let him in your garage :kekegay:

Fully stocked garage w/ blow up doll :kekegay: LOL

At least you have a garage at home, laying under the car in a garage is better than laying under a car in the driveway :rofl: I’d be most upset about losing the lift :frowning: I want one in our new house :smiley: Almost have hubby convinced as long as I change the oil in the truck :rofl: how many oil changes equal the cost of a lift? :ugh:

1 good one if it’s your husbands oil thats gettin changed, not the truck… :bj:

:bowrofl: then I should have a cities worth of lifts :smiley: LOL hahaha

awwww sad story/ wjps gpmma dp tje pot; cjamges pm tje race car tjem?
you migfht have to take the racing stripes off awww hahahahhahahahahaha ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

Let’s say roughly $3000 for the lift, $500 installation.

4 qts oil $6 + Oil filter $4 = $10
Cost of oil change at shop = $30

(30 - 10)x = 3000

Only 175 oil changes! And that doesn’t count any other work you do.

Tell your dad to put one in at home Shelby, just knock a hole in the roof.

This message has been deleted by whitey. Reason: drunk

haha, u all missed this one, it was gooood :blue:

silly engineers and your numbers :rofl:

Pick up a used one for about $1200 put it in yourself. Tell hubby cheaper than 2 good floor jacks and jackstands.

if he has a ford it wouldn’t last that long


the garage at home will probably get a 2nd level… as for the lift, im trying to get him to buy one of those portable ones i seen somewhere…

not all! there was some done over at SlowAssRacing too!